Friday, September 3, 2010

W.O.D. = fun girl time

W.O.D. was..........
30-20-10 for time
kettle bell snatches

Soooo today was just Kathy and I. It was such a nice sunny semi-cool day out. It awesome to be able to do intense workouts in free air conditioned outdoor areas. So when Marc revealed what the workout I was so curious to see how I would do because I have never really done a snatch before...let alone with a kettle bell. We did a few rounds of technique work before jumping into the W.O.D. I feel like I catch on well to new technique or exercises which is a good thing for me since I am going to be learning A LOT! watch the video :) I wish I would have gone up in weight at least 3-5 lbs more. I would have finished a bit later but that is o.k. I'll up the weight next time! Kathy is an animal and did 10 lbs more than the RX. and I did 5lbs more than the RX. CORRECTION LOL...the RX was 10kg and Kathy used the 12kg and I used the 8kg since there was no 10. BOO! I want that 10! Crossfit workouts are becoming sweeeeeett!

my hands were a mess after kettlebell snatches but there is no time for complaining. they protect me :)


  1. That WAS fun girl time. I think the Rx was 10 kgs though, wasn't it? You had 8 and I had 12 since there were no 10's?

  2. was it? oh geez LOL that's right! i wanted 10! confusion!!!! HA
