Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trash Video!

Visited my sister today!!!!

Soooo...Kathy and I did a sub 10 min "Helen" tonight. (she did 1 1/2 pood and I did a pood for the KB swings) we both started coughing immediately after we finished. We were both spitting and had a sore throat. Something was in the air that hit us quick and hard. I almost puked after the workout cuz I was coughing like a maniac! Felt bad but I feel better now. I hadn't had any allergies, asthma problems, sinus infections all year after changing my diet. I think they sprayed something outside or it's just our allergies. Here is what I sounded like.

My seester

FLEXING CONTEST! My seester the puppeteer vs CrossFit chica

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I don't think i'm a true frogger...

This is a frog kipper. She is awesome and her name is "Annie" from Santa Cruz.

{Two methods of dynamic pull-ups. On the left a gymnastic type "kip", and on the right a frog style kip. 
The difference in the two styles, affects the turnover in repetitions.}

i need to push away!

Girls Workout then Play ~n~ Battle

Making dinner

{Chicken Coconut Curry}
slice/chop and cook 2 free range chicken breasts in pan w/ 2 tbs of olive oil
add 1 chopped sweet potato, 1 chopped sweet onion, 1 chopped green bell pepper
~add 1/2" cup of water, cover and cook for about 5-7 minutes~

add 1 can of coconut milk
1 tsp of curry powder

boil cauliflower on side as a rice substitute

Monday, October 25, 2010


BEST FLAVOR!!! hands down!

Body Scan (measurements & photos) #3

So its been an awesome 2 months and I'm feeling great which has a lot to do with my diet i'm sure. Here it is again. The infamous body pictures. I think I'll stop at 6 months since I don't expect to see a lot of change after January. I could be wrong though. Interesting that I have actually slimmed down 2lbs. gained 1 1/2" around my chest (back) lost 1" on my waist and gained 1/2" around my hips (butt...I think its looks different though-lifted LOL) My body frame is small compared to the average CrossFit girl who weighs about 10-15lbs more than me....which is good and not good in ways. I guess I am efficient and at peak performance as a lean mean muscle machine :) I noticed i am loosing my tan rapidly. I still have atleast 5-6 shades to shed. i may look like i don't have a tan but boy does that texas sun crisp a girl out haha

CON = I have to lift more weight and use more power, which is cool beans and motivating

PRO = I don't have to lift/carry as much body weight for pull-ups, running etc.

I need to get some new contacts cuz these glasses give me a headache and make me look so serious.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paleo Spaghetti

{pasta alternative}
spaghetti squash
cut squash in half. place skin up on baking sheet. 365 degrees for ~20 min

{meat sauce}
1lb ground grass fed beef
1 box of POM organic tomatoes
1 Chopped onion
1 tbs of dried basil, parsley, oregano, sea salt, fresh pepper
3 gloves of garlic
2 tbs olive oil

1st CrossFit competition! woo hoo

So I originally signed up for the scaled competition at the grand opening of CrossFit760 charity event but filled in for Kathy which was Rx'd--since she was injured. She ended up judging and doing a great job at that. The last 2 days I was doubting myself and was soooo nervous this morning. I thought "WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING?!" I am glad I competed and had such a good partner. I met Andrew 1 hour before the competition and felt good. My nervousness disappeared and I was calmer once I got there and became familiar with the events. Some exercises looked cool, very intimidating and weird. Some teams were wearing skins, short shorts and no shirts with muscles and six packs. again...."WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!" LOL I don't know if it is because I like talking to people and smiling but I felt some people were just so not friendly. The owners are awesome and motivating and very nice people...oh and the facility is pretty nice. is the recap of the first event. I am so thrilled I competed with the Rx'd weight! not shabby for 2 months of training. now to work on my lifts and get familiar with more movements and exercises :)


EVENT 2a/2b


Saturday, October 23, 2010

got my kip down and its fit for me :)

I actually think its a blend of butterfly kipping and regular kipping. All my years of swimming has programmed my hip movement in a certain way. I'm so excited!

I would assume most folks know what a pull-up is, but let’s back up a little bit and give a definition of the pull-up using Webster’s definition of “chinning” - “to raise oneself while hanging by the hands until the chin is level with the support.” Very few have heard of a “kipping” pull-up and really don’t know the difference between the two.

At first glance, kipping pull-ups look like cheating – or maybe even a spastic type of pull-up – but they’re not. Kipping pull-ups allow more work to be done in less time, thus increasing power output. It’s also a full-body coordination movement that, when performed correctly, applies more functionally to real-life pulling skills, like pulling back your bow! Last but not least, the hip motion of an effective kip mirrors the motion of the Olympic lifts, adding to its function as a posterior-chain developer (back, glutes and hamstrings). The posterior chain is your main engine if you’re looking at tackling lots of high country! If you’re not convinced that kipping pull-ups hold reverence in the fitness realm, I challenge you to attempt running or jogging without the use of your arms. Running and kipping pull-ups are both movements in which the entire body should be used to perform work, and the results will speak for themselves.


Friday, October 22, 2010

working on snatch technique

I will get better and better as I continue to work on my lifting :) this is still the weirdest movement ever

My staples

In 30 days I have consumed...
18 bananas
22 avocados
32 apples

Almond pancake

1 cup almond flour
2 tbs almond butter
1 egg
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
touch of organic local honey
(stir together, add water if consistancy is too think)

Top with banana and walnuts :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

working on snatch movement

30lb. single arm dumbbell snatch

Ladies workout

i think i kip like Annie in the blue shirt 11 seconds in....

Kathy's hands

My hands

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Frog kipper

This is were I'm at with kipping...
So it seems I'm a true frogger. I can do atleast 9 kipping puulups, when 1 month ago I couldn't even kip. I can do around 10-11 strict and hope to do twice as many kipping pullups by december. I look funny but I get the job done :)

Can't wind down!!!

Today was crazy! I felt like a wind up toy all day long. I couldn't get enough done at work. Way too much to do! I was in a hurry to the gym but the main street was blocked off. I couldn't focus at the gym or during workouts. Could not settle down and relax to do stupid double unders!! I was able to do 35 in a row after people left and i was calmer. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I felt like I chewed coffee beans for a snack lol

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garlic Ginger Pork

I love making this :)

Lean pork loin slice
finger length ginger grated
2 gloves of garlic
1 tsp of gluten free Tamari
2 tsp of olive oil

mix the garlic, ginger, oil, and tamari in a small bowl.  heat pan to med-high. place pork on pan first then add mixture on top. let cook until the pork is ready to flip. (check to see that pork is cooked 1/2 way through but simply looking at the sides) flip carefully. let cook around 3 minutes each side. the ginger garlic mix will end up looking like a crust. so yummy!


moving on up. did Rx weight for the 3rd workout in a row. feeling stronger :) my wrists were a bit sore after the workout but felt good. missed Kathy all week BOO!

on another weight is around 118. im starting to leaning out so i think i've gotta start eating like a mad person. pretty good that i can do weight that 145lb girls can do but gotta keep getting stronger, faster, better!

3 rounds of:
400m run
53#/36# kettlebell swings
95#/65# thrusters

it was drizzling out which was fun to run in. I still have to work on getting the bar on my delts, elbows out and exploding...argh! I always hesitate. gotta work on that.

Hands of a lady

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gone Bananas

1 smashed banana
2 tbs almond butter
Pinch of raisins
Dash of cinnamon
Walnut pieces
Squirt of honey

What the Heck!

Haha it was around 10 pm at work and I wanted to do some sort of exercise. My co-worker was impressed that I was doing a handstand lol until I started doing pushups...WHAT THE HECK?! Ha

YouTube Video

Paleo Pizza!

Pizza crust:
1 cup almond flour
2 eggs
1 tbs olive oil
1 tsp of oregano
1 tsp of sea salt
1/2 tsp of parsley
1/2 tsp of chopped garlic
dash of thyme
dash of basil

POM tomatoes/canned tomatoes, add no-salt italian seasonings
1/2 a red bell pepper
1/2 a small sweet onion
5 slices of bacon chopped ( gluten-free, no nitrates, etc)
5-6 chopped Mushrooms
sliced jalapenos for a kick

Lunch is manly

Sleep is good!

Finally I get to rest and sleep a good amount of hours ;)

I woke up to a Charlie horse on my left calve. Was I pointing my toes all night? LOL. I can start going to Crossfit tomorrow. Thank goodness. I think I want to do some sort of exercise today. The craziness of this huge deadline is finally over!!! Celebrate normalcy in my life again :D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Skill work at mi casa

I have been working endless hours and its hard to get away and work out this week. I decided to do some skill work at home. did pull-up sets of max reps for 4 rounds. then i warmed up with dips and started working on my muscle up progression/transition. hopefully i can work out manana!

almond crackers n jam

{almond crackers}
2 cups almond flour
1 omega enriched egg
dash of sea salt
1 tbs of olive oil/fish oil

3 tbs. of water
1 small container of fresh organic blueberries
boil until thick and creamy, use a fork to mash


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

row till you almost puke!

Today we did a rowing workout and i was going to vomit!!! gross feeling. I was paired up with Theresa and together we had to row 5000m (rotating every 500m) that means we each had to crank out 2500m and rest/cheer while our partner was rowing away. I rowed the best I have ever rowed to date (7 weeks)

1st 500m = 1:57 23s/m

2nd 500m = 2:06 22s/m

3rd 500m = 2:09 21s/m

4th 500m = 2:06 22s/m

5th 500m = 1:56 23s/m

felt like POO but I finished rowing even tho I wanted to quit so bad... I was trying to keep my lunch inside my belly. Each time I finished I would go by the fence and spit and try to breathe and calm down. I had a serious migrane and loss of hearing in my left ear when we finished. This lasted around 20min. Part of it is dehydration, stress and lack of sleep.

This last saturday I rowed a.....
1:59, 2:13, 2:16, 2:16 (averaging a 25s/m) improving!!!!!!

I wonder what my 500m is? I'm hoping to be able to rest and sleep reasonable hours so I can put some fire behind my training. Work is just so overwhelming right now. I hope to workout thursday and saturday/sunday :)

cereal/cobbler substitute

{bottom layer}
3 tbs almond flour and 2 tbs of coconut milk
organic unsweetened coconut flakes
1 banana sliced
crumbled walnut pieces

{top layer}
3 tbs almond flour and 2 tbs of coconut milk

I baked mine for 10 minutes @ 350. ~or~ i eat raw :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Coconut Milk

I heart coconut milk

Benefits of coconut milk include possible anti-viral and anti-carcinogenic properties

COCONUT is a functional food and defined as a food that provides  health benefit over and beyond the basic nutrients. It contains lauric acid, a nutrient that is found in mother's milk.  (read more here )

Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is my friend Bar

She will be my best buddy this month...she's a bit nasty to me at times. she acts distant and weird but she's a good pal to hold on to. I have a feeling we are going be

This is my bro Ringo. He's pretty cool. Kinda unstable but he's a strong dude. Need to visit him more and start working on my skills. I want to try jumping muscle ups in 2 weeks or 3. I want to go even deeper when I train. Watched Chris Spealler and learned a thing or two. Pasted the link below.

I want to try this technique via Spealler....