Friday, October 8, 2010

Skill Work

{Working on squat clean thrusters before "Fran gone wild" workout}
We also worked on double unders and Kathy got 21!! way to go chica! Still working on my cleans so they can be smoother. Need to stop hesitating letting the bar rest on my shoulders. Get under and get elbows up. I don't know why I hesitate..its not like im going to crack my collar bone in half. I'm just gentle ethel. l Did much better :) THX Eric n Kathy

Working on our running technique. I wore the WRONG shoes to our workout! I just bought them today during lunch and I really don't know what they are for but they look cool. obviously not for running! I need to get new running shoes for sure! anywhooo we worked on our run run run and here it is....

1 comment:

  1. YES! Thank you for this... wow what crazy jumping = so inefficient. ah well 20 in a row is something in the right direction i hope.
