Wednesday, February 16, 2011

when your body says so

for the past 22 days I have woken up 30 min to 1 hour before my alarm and I have absolutely no control. having no control usually is hard to deal with but i'm not fighting my body or mind. do i have energy? i feel good? YES...what's the problem???? well at first I thought that my body needed more sleep and it was a mental issue thinking that i obviously needed 7-9 hours sleep and not 5-6. I am a true believer that when you have a clean healthy diet your body becomes a FREAKING MACHINE! i recover quickly, heal quickly, recharge quickly. I can't explain it properly without saying "this is crazy!"

Is sleep over-rated? maybe for some and it's becoming true for me in a different way. I feel i have super duper rechargeable batteries from the future.

advice you say? eat healthy and feed your body what it needs to recover from your daily activities or lack of. you can expect a great feeling within if you feed your body fried heavy processed foods. I GET IT NOW! and have understood this concept and believed it with all my mind and heart but its climbing to a new level with 80 days on Paleo/lacto-Paleo/Gluten free.

Do you want to focus at work and provide ideas and solutions? why feed your brain food that cause a cloud to hoover it and slow it down?

Do you want to see results with your body? freaking feed it then! here is a "Mandita" example:

(general way of thinking)
Hey Body!....I want to look leaner and i want to be in shape with a flatter stomach and in return I will give you a burger and soda to obsorb and use as body says "ummm.... NO..are you kidding?! how am i supposed to do that?"

(new way of thinking) 
HEY BODY! I want to be an amazing athlete and progress to a place of true results and in return I'll feed you fresh veggies, fruit, and lean meats along with glasses of clean water for your body says "r u serious? i'll gladly help!"

The new thing I will get accustomed to is 'meditation' and 'self awareness'. Oh to become a better person all around feels my heart and mind with small jolts of electricity. Its true self love! and everyone should do something similar because the feeling will take over and spread to other areas of your life :)

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