Friday, December 31, 2010


cheers to a great year to come!!

live - think - create - love - laugh - volunteer - workout - dream

last workout of 2010...tear...on to 2011!!!

worked on cleans
4-3-2-1 (65#, 80#, 95#,100#)

WOD: 3 rounds for time
10 20#ball cleans (lack of equip)
run 200m
10 handstand push-ups

finished in 5min 30 sec.
technical work:
pullups (40)
deep DEEP dips (40)

I really hated that there was no chalk available. My hands were so sweaty today for some reason. I was losing grip like the Dallas cowboys losing every game. I think I could have completed more pull-ups and worked on heavy weight for my cleans but I could not keep it together towards the end. gross and irritating at the same time! 


Last taco night

Third time eating tacos and it was nice knowing delicious fajita tacos with avocado and cheese with grilled onions. We are still friends but I'll call you next year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Legs for days

Strength 2-2-2-2 squats

WOD: 10 rounds for time

10 air squats
Right arm snatch (18#)
10 air squats
Left arm snatch (18#)
10 air squats

Finished in 15:30

Omg. Oh em' gee that was a good one!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


oh Fran you grouch! I've been watching videos of CrossFit Fran PR's. I've got to say that most people don't get their chin over the bar on pullups. the motion is there but they gotta get up UP UPP. I don't want to be "one of those" check out these videos of some good ole' Frans! chin over chin over, squat down down down

MEN (sub 2:00 min)

WOMAN (Heather Keenan Bergeron & Miranda Oldroyd)

metcons & WOD's

I like metcon's don't get me wrong but they cause some serious pain.

^^^^^^^^ that is "Fran" which I will try and conquer very soon :)

metcon (metabolic conditioning)
CrossFit Journal article

Human-Power-Output and crossfit metcons
CrossFit Journal article

A POST FROM MAINSITE: (example of why metcon's are important and eat you alive)
My Fran time with prescribed weight is 11:21. That is busting my bottom, feeling like death for 30-60 minutes afterwards.

My pullups max is about 25.
My push press max is around 200.
My Front Squat max is 250.

So I think it is definitely my conditioning and not my strength that is the problem.

workout workout with Ranger

So I visited the only CrossFit box in Southern Texas called Ranger CrossFit ( Its a nice box with a good supply of equipment and nice people. Thank goodness it was a cool night and not hot and humid. I was excited because my cousin joined me which was really cool. It was his first time but he always goes all out!!! The warm-up was a bit different from what I am used to which was cool to try. I worked in some of CFNC dynamic stretching which I love.

The workout was AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 pullups
10 ring pushups
15 wall balls (14#)
40 yrd. sprint with 30# sand bag

I did 7.75 :) needed to run the 40yrd to get 8 completed

I felt a bit yuck after since I'm still recovering from this nasty asthma/bronchitis deal-e-o. After the workout I worked on my butterfly kips. I did 5 sets of 7. They are becoming easier!!! whoo hoo! I really like their bar. It had a good grip and swing to it if that makes any sense.

That was yesterday......TODAY....I joined a fellow CrossFitter from b'ville and we went to the gym to do our business. He was awesome and nice :) awe...We did a light warmup, strength work, and then the WOD.

we did strict press 3-3-3 (65#) didn't want to strain my stupid knot between my shoulder blades UGH!


45# thrusters
25# kettle-bell swings

completed in 6 min 20 sec. wish i could have done 65# but i need to get that knot out. The 25# KB was to light but that's ok :) next time! OH so the story of the knot is dumb! I was coughing sooo hard last week I actually pulled my oblique and back which is still healing. too bad so sad. Tomorrow is mobilitiy with Rene :) a rest day then CrossFit on thursday por favor

Thursday, December 23, 2010

sore!!! from what you ask??

I went to a ballet and hip hop dance class at my cousins dance studio. my calves were going to burst at the seams and my shoulders were on fire. strange but at the same time i'm not used to holding my shoulders out for 30 min and i'm not used to relaxing and kicking. it was soooo fun though. My 5 cousins and myself = blast!

Hip hop was fun and cool. We danced to the new black eyed peas song (remake of dirty dancing song)

Earlier in the afternoon we went to South Padre and fished at the jetties. The water and sky looked like this...

OHHH and I went to a gym near the house to get in some weight training in. I did 65lb strict shoulder press for 9 - 6 - 6 - 3 - 3 - 3 and feel stronger than a month ago. I was going to work on more but ran out of time BOO!

i'm going to take a stab at

three rounds for time of:
75 squats
25 handstand pushups
25 L-pullups (or regular)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Workout with sister :)

We did a half Cindy and she was hurting! She did great and we love working out together. I must say for not really working out she is strong on did regular pushups!

Tomorrow I'm working on double unders, hand stand pushups and my cleans. Video to come. Nite nite
Plus we had to workout because of what we ate for lunch. The food here is too ridiculous. 80% strict diet and a crazy 20% for the holidays with family.

Monday, December 20, 2010

and then there was meat

there is no place like home. Meat for days..and meat with bursting flavor through the roof!!! No where in Cali have I found this greatness

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday with the CFNC peeps

back squats (132lb then 153lb)

showed marc my butterfly kip but was exhausted. after the workout i tried to work on my technique and get a smoother kip without the extra little flutter....almost

PR's this month

with a few hurdles such as traveling like its no one business, asthma coming back to haunt me, and a respiratory infection that made me sound like Cher what else could I ask for....feeling good and taking it one day at a time :) trying to....

So to some 100lbs is not crazy but remember I just weighed myself and I weigh 120....and it is a lot because in a matter of 4 months I have gained mucho strength and speed.

THANK YOU CROSSFIT & North County CrossFit!

WHY I LOVE BLOGGING AND RECORDING you ask>>>>>>to see results and compare

 [just some examples of progress]
First Month vs. Fourth Month:
push press
60# vs. 100#

     handstand pushups
5 vs. 16 
(still need 1 more inch to the ground tho)

couldn't kip vs. 13 butterfly
couldn't kip vs. 15 regular kip
10lb strict vs. 40lb strict

bench press
75# vs. 105# bench press 
(need to un-rack the bar better..ugh)

22 vs. 48 

tabata situps
9 vs. 13

95# vs. 160#

air squats
20 vs. 60

double unders
11 vs. 43
(plus technique is efficient now)

500m row
2:16 vs. 1:53

rope climb
3 rope climbs (pretty new, but sort of a PR because I got the hang of it =oD )

I hope to add to this list in January after the holidays. I will be working out on the same schedule back home and am very excited to challenge myself to do so. I am packing some essentials!

speed rope = check
mini foam roller = check
Paleo cook book = check

Friday, December 17, 2010

Reading is knowledge

for you Playstation addicts....

Playstation app is coming to the iPhone shortly


last night i went to PF changs with a friend and ordered from their gluten free menu. lettuce wraps and Phillips better lemon chicken. OKAY PEOPLE...gluten was in either the sauce for the wraps or hidden somewhere. I felt super sleepy and foggy, looked 5 months pregnant, had a stuffy nose 10 min later and a headache. I point my finger at you and say "COME ON!"

today i woke up with a stuffy nose, headache, and a stomach ache. i say well at least it wont last long.

no me gusta

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cupcakes for work

Regular vs. Gluten free

Check out amount of ingredients. Left side is regular and right is gluten free. Its pretty bad that kids and adults put so much junkaroo in their bodies and shame for companies putting science project liquids into foods ;-/

Monday, December 13, 2010

push this PR

Got a PR today!!! 100lb push press

I need to work on my quickness and speed through the dip and drive. I know I have more in me but without the efficient strong technique I wont get there. PRACTICE AND MORE PRACTICE! so exciting even though its not perfect. The lift looks more like a push press than a jerk. It will come with time and hard work and it will be great :)

noted** looking at some of the lifts I practically pushed the weight up! no good I don't want do to more work than i have too...ughhhh poochi!

Working on Butterfly Kipping Technique

getting more comfortable and strong at the butterfly kipping pullup :) just a bit more work and i'll be a freaking butterfly

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Work on my snatch

THE SNATCH: (via Wikipedia)

The snatch is one of the two olympic weightlifting events (the other being the clean and jerk).
The essence of the event is to lift a barbell from the platform to locked arms overhead in a smooth continuous movement. The barbell is pulled as high as the lifter can manage (typically to mid chest height) (the pull) at which point the barbell is flipped overhead. With relatively light weights (as in the "power snatch") locking of the arms may not require rebending the knees. However, as performed in contests, the weight is always heavy enough to demand that the lifter receive the bar in a squatting position, while at the same time flipping the weight so it moves in an arc directly overhead to locked arms (the quick drop). When the lifter is secure in this position, he rises (overhead squat), completing the lift.

I haven't lifted much in the last 30 days due to traveling and not feeling well. Tomorrow is a new start :) I want to have a nice snatch by next year. Planning a strength routine in to my weekly schedule will be exciting and challenging. This will start beginning of January! Many people have their own technique and setup. I want to get back to basics then start from their to find my comfortable strong points. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pullups = muscles

Sick but not as sick

So last night I felt so horrible I thought the worst. I had a fever, chills, head pressure, sore scratchy throat, mucus, bad cough, aches, and I was weak. I made coconut soup with ginger, lemongrass and chicken chunks.

I just have a feeling that the miracles of coconut milk helped me. I woke up with no fever, no chills, no cough, no head pressure, no mucus...I do feel tired but it's expected.

This morning I made butternut squash coconut soup and boy does it sooth the throat or at least my throat.


Modern medical science is now confirming the use of coconut in treating many of the above conditions. Published studies in medical journals show that coconut, in one form or another, may provide a wide range of health benefits. Some of these are summarized below:

Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses.
Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases.
Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.
Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.
Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.
Boosts energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance.
Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.
Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.
Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.
Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.
Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth.
Helps protect against osteoporosis.
Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.
Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.
Improves digestion and bowel function.
Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.
Reduces inflammation.
Supports tissue healing and repair.
Supports and aids immune system function.
Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.
Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart disease.
Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease.
Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.
Functions as a protective antioxidant.
Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
Does not deplete the body's antioxidant reserves like other oils do.
Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.
Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement).
Reduces epileptic seizures.
Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.
Dissolves kidney stones.
Helps prevent liver disease.
Is lower in calories than all other fats.
Supports thyroid function.
Promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate.
Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats.
Helps prevent obesity and overweight problems.
Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin to ward of infection.
Reduces symptoms associated the psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.
Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.
Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.
Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.
Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.
Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Helps control dandruff.
Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.
Has no harmful or discomforting side effects.
Is completely non-toxic to humans.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Night Slamball

todays workout was fun and tiring. my arms, glutes and quads are pissed at me! im still hurting from the last 3 days of workouts. today i felt nauseated all day long. ugh! i was dreading working out so much but it ended up being ok except for the quiet burps when i was stretching LOL...why the burping today? it was weird! anywho i am taking a rest tomorrow and stretching then going to massage envy to sleep and get massaged like never before. i can't even wait!!!

today's workout for time:


air squats
ball slams
push press

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Muscle spasm...ugh!

So this spasm has been going on for 10 min! What is up!!?? What do i do! its so annoying!!!!

Oh and this is my horrible cool bruise from Monday night when my grip gave out and I lost it on the way down. Oops!! Poor baby knee

cool site

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cut me some bangs

I needed a change. I actually feel better ;)

Cheesy picture...of course!!! Glamour shots worthy lol

Thursday, December 2, 2010

R U Sick?

So many people are sick around me, at work, at the stores...ACK! get away from me!!!

brought to you by

What You Need to Know About the Flu

Help protect yourself and your family by knowing more about the flu:
  • The flu is a contagious virus, not a bacterial infection. It is spread from one person to another when a person infected with the flu coughs or sneezes. Sometimes, people can become infected by touching their nose or mouth after touching an object infected by the flu virus.23
  • Flu season can begin as early as October and last as late as May. A pandemic outbreak of flu may occur at any time of the year.2318
  • A flu vaccination is your best protection against the flu. Flu strains may vary every year and from area to area. If you are exposed to a strain of the flu that your flu shot doesn't protect against, you may still get the flu.2
  • Antibiotics, over-the-counter treatments and home remedies such as chicken soup do not treat or prevent the flu. Prescription flu medicines like Tamiflu can stop the virus from spreading in the body.12 Learn about antivirals.
  • Most healthy adults can infect others one day before and five to seven days after they become sick. This means that you can pass on the flu to someone else before you know you have the virus, as well as after you become sick.2
  • A typical case of the flu can last a few days to up to 2 weeks.2
  • The flu can be a serious illness, particularly for people aged 65 and older, and those with chronic illnesses.45


nasa finds new life

Hours before their special news conference today, the cat is out of the bag: NASA has discovered a completely new life form that doesn’t share the biological building blocks of anything currently living in planet Earth. This changes everything.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yum pork yum

Pork rubbed in almonds and Cajun spices grilled in evoo with grilled zucchini

death to my grip

Todays workout tested the limits of my forearms and grip. Oooh Emmmm GEEEee!

5 rounds for time without breaking grip (couldn't do all 5 rounds unbroken)

60lbs of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang-clean
6 Push jerk

Sounds easy huh...? Wrong!

I do feel as I got more tired my form actually got better and more powerful. I got a glimpse of my potentially perfect oly lifts if I keep working at it. I had a couple beautiful cleans and some pretty awesome push jerks :) my ponytail was actually bouncing up and down!

ITS BEEN A WHILE!!! so here is an after workout body pic. i think my measurements are different from last month...YUP just a tad 35-24.5-37 (got a bit leaner from not working out...i know, i know its supposed to be the other way around)

no flex Cross-eyed mess lol

Double mint gum arms

Eric, me and daddy. Looking at this pic your probably thinking we all broke our arms. Well we did! It was crazy! J.K...we are 'double jointed'/"hyper-mobility" (which is not necessarily a good thing-google it or click link to read more information which is interesting!)

Some people say "gross!!!!"

Some people say "weird"

I say "I'm made this way for a reason, to grab my keys when I drop them in weird places"

R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen



today i will spend a bit but not more than i can afford :)

wish list:
-adi shoes, running pants, jacket
-special gifts :)

Sunday workout

Back to working out and happy! I need to start running more. I signed up for a company relay race in April. 3 miles 2 times in 48 hours with 11 team mates. Fun and scary! Although I am still recovering from jetlag and cleaning up my diet I feel so good now. I did have to scale the workout after having some acute asthma problems. I think its part weather, part diet, part who knows. Excited that i got 3 PR's today! motivated and ready to amp up my workout schedule after my refreshing break. with weeks off I shoulder and hip flexor feel tremendously better...soooooo lets do this!

I DO MISS SWIMMING THO!!! maybe i'll work that in 1-2 times a week for sanity and to feed my love of water and swimming in it :)

group workout

post workout strength check

Paleo vs. Yuck

Back to Paleo and I'm sticking to it! (atleast 95% of the time) after approx. 2 months of acne free, gas free, headache free, mood free, joint pain free, sinus infection free, asthma free, and bloat free awesomeness it came to a brief end as I traveled through Asia. I broke out with pimples, had headaches, stomach problems and joint pain within a couple of days. It was so hard to eat on my schedule and the foods I love to eat. Thanksgiving came along and I decided, I chose to cheat cheat as Paleo cheat and Gluten cheat. WRONG! believe me it tasted great and yes a bit salty and sweet to me but so good. I immediately felt yucky ducky!

I am back on my Paleo diet and feeling way way better. no headaches, stomach issues, skin issues, joint pain etc. My skin completely cleared up in 3 days. Thats also what pisses me off. So many years of taking acne meds when it was just a change of diet. The so called 8 Dermatologists that i've seen over the years never asked me about my diet. Way to go! ruin my liver and have me pay lots of money for meds. boo to you! yay to my health boo for you so called skin docs.

8 months ago I removed gluten products and processed foods from my diet...3 months ago I went paleo for 2 months. Changing the way I eat is not hard. dealing with all my health issues was hard!

I grew up on the border of texas and mexico where food is delicious and not "healthy". I loved McDonalds, fast food, chips n dip, sweets, highly processed foods, frozen meals, pizza, burgers, tacos, greasy deep fried foods, sodas growing up and as a young adult. I would run and workout then stop by taco bell. Yup that was the reality of not having the knowledge that I am fortunate to have now. Even with the knowledge you must choose to change for the good of your mind, body, soul. Well-being and well balanced is very important. If only we were taught this at an early age. Health class should be a health class. If i would have learned about cholesterol, blood pressure, foods and what it does to my would have been in my mind and i would have probably started to think about it as a teenager. I feel like these big companies just want to keep us sick, make $$, and not really care. look at our youth! traveling around the world has opened my eyes and made me sick to my stomach about what we do to our people in the U.S. Why do they market these bleh foods as if it was good for us!!?? $$$$$ sure its cheaper, quicker and yum (some of it) but at what cost. I actually save mula buying fresh foods and cooking.

Feeding peoples cravings with burger ads and greasy fries....ugh! must change and save the youth!!!!

this is how I felt over Thanksgiving and before changing my eating habits 8 months ago

This is how I feel with Paleo

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hair is getting out of control!!

Gotta find some good product! Ugh! So hard to fix boo!! Both great grandmas were redheads as you can tell. My hair always turns super reddish in the summertime :) I need to find some great product that helps with the frizz and mess!

Circadian Rhythm

My rhythm is so off! I can't seem to get on track. Today I fell better though. Napped from 3-7pm yesterday then slept from 3-6:30 am. HORRIBLE!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Thanksgiving

Today was a cheat CHEAT meal. My mom can cook, my sister can cook, my dad can make a turkey I tell you what!! How can I resist? I couldn't! They came from Texas and I enjoyed every bit of everything!!!

I made this awesome gluten free sweet potato pie. So yummyyyyyy ;)