Crossfit + 30 yrs old + Clean Diet + Determination + Motivation + Fun Times
Friday, September 9, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Castor Oil and Scars
Castor oil is a compound that comes from the castor bean. According to, the medicinal use of castor oil dates back to ancient Egypt. Applying oil to a scar will not promote new skin growth or remove the scar completely. Scars form to heal areas of the skin that have injury due to illness or accident. At best, oil will soften the area and possibly smooth out some of the fibrous tissue. This effort may be enough to reduce the appearance of the scar and make it less noticeable. Castor oil is a good choice because it will not block skin pores and helps to break up excess oil produced by the body.
Step 1
Clean the area thoroughly with a mild soap. This is especially true if the scarring is from acne or another type of skin condition. Cleaning the area will help remove surface oils and debris that may clog pores. Do not worry about drying the area. The moisture from the water will add to the benefit of the oil.Step 2
Apply a small amount of castor oil to your fingertips. Less is better in most cases; just use enough to lightly coat your fingertips. Too much oil with only make skin slippery. The goal is to soften the scar tissue and help reduce any inflammation.Dermacare of Carlsbad Acne Scars Dramatic Results Internet Special-Free Consultation.
Step 3
Massage the oil over the affected area for three or more minutes. Massaging the oil promotes circulation and healing. The pressure from your fingers will open pores and help to soften the skin. Rub softly so as not to irritate the area. Do not apply oil to any open skin on or around the scar. Keep the oil away from your eyes and nostrils.Step 4
Wash your hands thoroughly once completing the application. This will keep you from spreading the castor oil to other parts of your body or to your clothing.Step 5
Repeat the process once or twice daily. It may take time to notice any results.Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I'm BACK!~
its been a while!!!! i'm heading back to my workout routine after a 7.5 week absence.
Work + Work + Work + sick = BOO!!!
I just finished a small baby workout to see where i am at....
3 sets of:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats
boy oh boy this will be painfully fun to start cross-fitting again...yikes!
Work + Work + Work + sick = BOO!!!
I just finished a small baby workout to see where i am at....
3 sets of:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats
boy oh boy this will be painfully fun to start cross-fitting again...yikes!
Friday, April 8, 2011
I've been busy at work and running way more than I'd ever want to. I am running the Ragnar relay next weekend with my co-workers and its a nightmare already LOL. CrossFit has helped a lot but I am only crossfitting 2-3 times a week max. When this is all said and done i'll be going my usual 3-4 times a week with some lunch time strength workouts. YAY!! I really really miss it! I am determined to get back to my numbers quick and power my strength up by July.
I feel so out of practice and know I will be sore and juiced lol. Was pretty happy pressing 65# for reps on tuesday tho :) so here it is.....
Short Term Goals (4-6 weeks)
push press 110 ~
strict press 90 ~
squat 180 ~
deadlift 180 ~
bench 110 ~
clean 130 ~
Body Weight Goals (4-6 weeks)
30 kipping pullups
50 straight pushups no rest
60 air squats no rest
100 situps no rest
5 rope climbs no legs
500m row @ 1:50
50 double unders in a row
lots of kettlbell swings in a row
I benched 104 with Eric before
I have push pressed 106 with Eric before
I have come close to these numbers but not what i want. almost ready to start after this nightmare of a run. check it out
What is Ragnar?
You and 11 of your closest friends running 200(ish) miles, day and night, relay-style, through some of the most scenic terrain North America could muster. Add in crazy runners, inside jokes and a mild case of sleep deprivation. The result? Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it a Ragnar Relay.
I feel so out of practice and know I will be sore and juiced lol. Was pretty happy pressing 65# for reps on tuesday tho :) so here it is.....
Short Term Goals (4-6 weeks)
push press 110 ~
strict press 90 ~
squat 180 ~
deadlift 180 ~
bench 110 ~
clean 130 ~
Body Weight Goals (4-6 weeks)
30 kipping pullups
50 straight pushups no rest
60 air squats no rest
100 situps no rest
5 rope climbs no legs
500m row @ 1:50
50 double unders in a row
lots of kettlbell swings in a row
I benched 104 with Eric before
I have push pressed 106 with Eric before
I have come close to these numbers but not what i want. almost ready to start after this nightmare of a run. check it out
What is Ragnar?
You and 11 of your closest friends running 200(ish) miles, day and night, relay-style, through some of the most scenic terrain North America could muster. Add in crazy runners, inside jokes and a mild case of sleep deprivation. The result? Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it a Ragnar Relay.
I am running against people that are this serious
OH and Yes
Still got my abs lol...Fist Pump!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Why grass-fed beef?
- Two to four times richer in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids.
- Higher in "good" unsaturated fats and lower in "bad" saturated fats.
- Three to five times higher in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) content.
- Loaded with over 400% more of vitamin A (as beta carotene) and E.
- Virtually devoid of risk of Mad Cow Disease.
"Grain-fed beef can have an omega 6:3 ratio higher than 20:1"-- J. Anim. Sci. 2000. 78:2849-2855
This well exceeds the 4:1 ratio where health problems begin to show up because of the essential fat imbalance. Grain-fed beef can also have over 50% of the total fat as the far less healthy saturated fat.
Grass-fed beef has an omega 6:3 ratio of 0.16 to 1.
This is the ratio science suggests is ideal for our diet. This is about the same ratio that fish has. Grass-fed beef usually has less than 10% of its fat as saturated. If you are a pregnant or breastfeeding mom, the extra omega 3 from the grass-fed beef will provide incredible nutritional benefits for your child.
via @
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sectionals WOD#1
10 minutes
30 double unders
15 power snatches (55#)
Man I am sore sore sore. I know its the lack of doing snatches, time off from injury and sickness but geeeezzzzz I am sore from my traps to my lower back and biceps. I am trying to recover. They double unders were no problem the first two rounds (straight 30!) the snatches is what got me. Snatches were rough but I worked through it. I am happy with getting 4 1/2 rounds though. I bet with uninterrupted training and focus I could have maybe got 5 1/2 - 6. I have until the 27th until the next WOD is announced.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Last night busted me up
Soooo my back is feeling better than last week. Hoping and crossing fingers that I recover quickly. I have eliminated yoga for 2 weeks and WALA! my back is healing. ERIC! ERIC! ERIC! kicked out butts last night. (video to follow)
1k Row then... PR @ 4:04 from 4:13
...5 Rounds
125m row (rest 1:30 between rounds) = gross but good one! 27 second average on 125m rows
100 ft walking lunge
Pull Ups
Push Ups
1k Row then... PR @ 4:04 from 4:13
...5 Rounds
125m row (rest 1:30 between rounds) = gross but good one! 27 second average on 125m rows
100 ft walking lunge
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Toni and I almost said "what's up!" to pukie the clown
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday WOD
Summary: completed Annie @ 5:30 (4 seconds slower than PR) BUT I improved my double unders...gotta work on situps!
guys rowed like maniacs
Summary: We can lift some serious weight hanging from a belt...and I laughed like a witch for some reason.
guys rowed like maniacs
Summary: We can lift some serious weight hanging from a belt...and I laughed like a witch for some reason.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Oh YEAH BABY! back to it
after the food poisoning 6 day deal and then 2 days back at CrossFit...I thought it was going to be dandy till I got a tetanus shot! OMG! Oh Em GEE! the doctor said 2-3 days of soreness. LIAR! lol its been 6 days and my shoulder still looks like hemans. anywho today was my first day back again and did pretty well. thought i was going to be weak sauce but it was sweet sauce :)
worked on bench pressing/squats
3 sets of 5 (last set is 5 + whatever else is left in the tank)
excited to workout with my ladies and gents again
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Benefits of Garlic
cool read via
Garlic is used as a carminative, aphrodisiac, expectorant, and stimulant.
Anticancer Actions:
Human population studies show that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer. This is partly due to garlic's ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds. Animal and test tube studies also show that garlic, and its sulfur compounds, inhibit the growth of different types of cancer-especially breast and skin tumors.Circulatory Effects:
More than 250 publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system. It may lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, inhibit platelet stickiness (aggregation), and increase fibrinolysis-which results in a slowing of blood coagulation. It is mildly antihypertensive and has antioxidant activity.Antimicrobial Actions:
Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal activity' It may work against some intestinal parasites. Garlic appears to have roughly 1 % the strength of penicillin against certain types of bacteria. This means it is not a substitute for antibiotics, but it can be considered as a support against some bacterial infections. Candida albicans growth is inhibited by garlic, and garlic has shown long-term benefit for recurrent yeast infections.High Blood Pressure:
Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. The pressure and tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive track As these days garlic capsules are available with the chemist shops, the average dosage of two to three capsules a day to be given to make a dent in the blood pressure.Digestive System Disorders:
Garlic is one of the most beneficial foods for the digestive system. It exercises a beneficial effect on the lymph, aids in elimination of noxious waste matter in the body. It stimulates peristaltic action and the secretion of the digestive juices. Crushed cloves of garlic may be infused in water or milk and taken for all types of disorders of the digestion. It has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases and inflammations of the stomach and intestine. The oil of garlic is absorbed into the alimentary tract and is eliminated partly through the urine.Garlic produces a very marked effects on the intestine. It is an excellent agent as a worm expeller. It has also a soothing effect on the various forms of diarrhoea. Problems such as colitis, dysentery and many other intestinal upsets can be successfully treated with fresh garlic or garlic capsules One garlic capsule taken three times a day is usually sufficient to correct mild cases of diarrhoea or dysentery. For more persistent cases, upto six capsules a day can be taken. Garlic has the ability to destroy harmful bacteria in the intestines without affecting the beneficial organisms which aid digestion.
Skin Disorders:
Garlic has also been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders Pimples disappear without scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistent form of acne, suffered by some adults, has also been healed with garlic. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots and pimple, and boils. The process is further helped by taking the garlic orally also, to purify the blood-steam so as to secure a long term clearance of the skin. A regular course of three garlic capsules per day should help to clear minor skin infections quickly.Whooping Cough:
Garlic is an excellent remedy for whooping cough. Syrup of garlic Should be given in doses of five drops to a teaspoonful two or three times a day in this condition. It should be given more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent.Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Pullups N' Squats--Burpee HELL
finished in 8:49...totally fried and out of breathe and energy
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday with Theresa and Tony and tears lol
I'm not feeling as strong as usually but i also feel like it won't take long to come back to me :) STUPID SICKNESS!! i know this is gross but its time to do something about my calluses. deadlifts hurt like hard pinching and that's just enough. We did a nice rowing workout after our lifting sets. It was great today even though when i found out what the workout was i was not excited...then it ended up being pretty cool after all was said and rowed.
Friday, February 25, 2011
back after 6 days off and this is what happened....
so i feel 100% now but whatever stomach bacteria/bug/poison I had really took me down. I could barely do 1 chinup and i was too weak to carry my grocery bags without getting winded and feeling sooooo tired. Well I am back and did pretty good! I even got a PR on my kipping pullups...25! i see 30 by next week :) doing chinups at home really have helped. Thanks Marc :)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I WANT THESE!! ok ok so they are just shoes... but sometimes you see something that is your favorite color ever and the feeling of want want need must have comes over you....that is the feeling i have. i've been doing so good not spending or shopping so yes I will buy one pair please Mr. Online adidas store. thanks size 7 :)
grains and legumes are bad....WHAT THE!?!?!?!!
-grains and soy aren't edible in their natural form without processing
-grains are largely starch, surrounded by a kernel which decompose into glucose.
- one problem is that the amount of sugar elevates your bloodsugar levels that in turn cause your pancreas to produce lots of insulin to metabolize it. Humans are not meant to eat such huge amounts of concentrated carbs. Over time you will develop insulin resistance, hypoglycemia (had that), diabetes II etc.
-another problemo is that our immune system crashes when bloodsugar levels increase to insanely high levels. It takes HOURS for immune system to fully recover. poor little thing is trying to keep us healthy and well and look at what we do :(
-also...refined grains lack minerals and vitamins, which are needed to properly digest and metabolize the huge amount of starches we eat. every time you eat a slice of bread, your body needs to take minerals and vitamins from its limited stores to digest and metabolise it.
Over time, you will develop deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals which can lead to everything from brittle nails, hair problems, skin etc.
all in all refined or unrefined, grains will cause problems..
blah blah blah...i know it can be boring but its for your own good and believe me you will feel like a new person!!!!
Another problems with grains and soy bean it that they can't be eaten raw, which only allows us to eat them cooked. Cooking essentially damages all foods. The more you eat raw, the better you will feel..
GRAINS ARE VERY HARD TO DIGEST PROPERLY!!!! the intestines need to produce enough enzymes (maltase) to digest the maltose into the elemental glucose molecules. As you see, quite a lot of work.. The problem is that the human body isn't fit for this job and a part of the starch isn't absorbed and descends into the large intestines, feeding critters, causing inflammation, gasses, damage to the wall of the intestines, and other problems.
Compare this to fruit and honey, which are predigested foods. They primarily contain glucose and fructose, which don't need to be digested at all and can be absorbed painlessly by the intestines. Because everything is easily absorbed it can't feed the critters..
crumb breads, rice, pasta, beans and such and that is what is going in your belly...not good huh??
-grains are largely starch, surrounded by a kernel which decompose into glucose.
- one problem is that the amount of sugar elevates your bloodsugar levels that in turn cause your pancreas to produce lots of insulin to metabolize it. Humans are not meant to eat such huge amounts of concentrated carbs. Over time you will develop insulin resistance, hypoglycemia (had that), diabetes II etc.
-another problemo is that our immune system crashes when bloodsugar levels increase to insanely high levels. It takes HOURS for immune system to fully recover. poor little thing is trying to keep us healthy and well and look at what we do :(
-also...refined grains lack minerals and vitamins, which are needed to properly digest and metabolize the huge amount of starches we eat. every time you eat a slice of bread, your body needs to take minerals and vitamins from its limited stores to digest and metabolise it.
Over time, you will develop deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals which can lead to everything from brittle nails, hair problems, skin etc.
all in all refined or unrefined, grains will cause problems..
blah blah blah...i know it can be boring but its for your own good and believe me you will feel like a new person!!!!
Another problems with grains and soy bean it that they can't be eaten raw, which only allows us to eat them cooked. Cooking essentially damages all foods. The more you eat raw, the better you will feel..
GRAINS ARE VERY HARD TO DIGEST PROPERLY!!!! the intestines need to produce enough enzymes (maltase) to digest the maltose into the elemental glucose molecules. As you see, quite a lot of work.. The problem is that the human body isn't fit for this job and a part of the starch isn't absorbed and descends into the large intestines, feeding critters, causing inflammation, gasses, damage to the wall of the intestines, and other problems.
Compare this to fruit and honey, which are predigested foods. They primarily contain glucose and fructose, which don't need to be digested at all and can be absorbed painlessly by the intestines. Because everything is easily absorbed it can't feed the critters..
crumb breads, rice, pasta, beans and such and that is what is going in your belly...not good huh??
Saturday, February 19, 2011
food poisoning
yuck! feel so gross, weak, queasy and sick. I had a salad with deli meat and something attacked my system. I've been sleeping and trying not to pass out and vomit. I don't know if my body is strong due to Paleo but so far I feel it could have been much worse. drinking lots of water and resting. I just hope I don't drop to much weight..either way it's a bummer!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
last day of super strict Paleo
LAST DAY of super strict Paleo but it is not the end!
I'll still eat 95% of time as a Paleo Beast ;)
my body thanks you, the best I've ever ever felt ever ever. did I say ever?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bradley at work...
Many celebrities, pro athletes suddenly show up at our work and today was none other than Bradley Cooper! He was so nice and down to earth. We had a few laughs and he was playful enough to take this horrible picture. I was trying to reenact what girls are really feeling inside and of course he giggled and went with it...HAHAHA!
when your body says so
for the past 22 days I have woken up 30 min to 1 hour before my alarm and I have absolutely no control. having no control usually is hard to deal with but i'm not fighting my body or mind. do i have energy? i feel good? YES...what's the problem???? well at first I thought that my body needed more sleep and it was a mental issue thinking that i obviously needed 7-9 hours sleep and not 5-6. I am a true believer that when you have a clean healthy diet your body becomes a FREAKING MACHINE! i recover quickly, heal quickly, recharge quickly. I can't explain it properly without saying "this is crazy!"
Is sleep over-rated? maybe for some and it's becoming true for me in a different way. I feel i have super duper rechargeable batteries from the future.
advice you say? eat healthy and feed your body what it needs to recover from your daily activities or lack of. you can expect a great feeling within if you feed your body fried heavy processed foods. I GET IT NOW! and have understood this concept and believed it with all my mind and heart but its climbing to a new level with 80 days on Paleo/lacto-Paleo/Gluten free.
Do you want to focus at work and provide ideas and solutions? why feed your brain food that cause a cloud to hoover it and slow it down?
Do you want to see results with your body? freaking feed it then! here is a "Mandita" example:
(general way of thinking)
Hey Body!....I want to look leaner and i want to be in shape with a flatter stomach and in return I will give you a burger and soda to obsorb and use as body says "ummm.... NO..are you kidding?! how am i supposed to do that?"
(new way of thinking)
HEY BODY! I want to be an amazing athlete and progress to a place of true results and in return I'll feed you fresh veggies, fruit, and lean meats along with glasses of clean water for your body says "r u serious? i'll gladly help!"
The new thing I will get accustomed to is 'meditation' and 'self awareness'. Oh to become a better person all around feels my heart and mind with small jolts of electricity. Its true self love! and everyone should do something similar because the feeling will take over and spread to other areas of your life :)
Is sleep over-rated? maybe for some and it's becoming true for me in a different way. I feel i have super duper rechargeable batteries from the future.
advice you say? eat healthy and feed your body what it needs to recover from your daily activities or lack of. you can expect a great feeling within if you feed your body fried heavy processed foods. I GET IT NOW! and have understood this concept and believed it with all my mind and heart but its climbing to a new level with 80 days on Paleo/lacto-Paleo/Gluten free.
Do you want to focus at work and provide ideas and solutions? why feed your brain food that cause a cloud to hoover it and slow it down?
Do you want to see results with your body? freaking feed it then! here is a "Mandita" example:
(general way of thinking)
Hey Body!....I want to look leaner and i want to be in shape with a flatter stomach and in return I will give you a burger and soda to obsorb and use as body says "ummm.... NO..are you kidding?! how am i supposed to do that?"
(new way of thinking)
HEY BODY! I want to be an amazing athlete and progress to a place of true results and in return I'll feed you fresh veggies, fruit, and lean meats along with glasses of clean water for your body says "r u serious? i'll gladly help!"
The new thing I will get accustomed to is 'meditation' and 'self awareness'. Oh to become a better person all around feels my heart and mind with small jolts of electricity. Its true self love! and everyone should do something similar because the feeling will take over and spread to other areas of your life :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Body Report
30 Day Paleo Challenge with the Team and we have 3 more days to go....Everyone and I mean everyone has decreased body fat measurements.
I was 120 with around 16% body fat...I am now at 116-117 and low 14% body fat. I am upping my calorie intake but am pretty pleased that even though I am lighter I am stronger. I think 4 days without a hearty breakfast really affected my weight. crazy. i'll be back up to 120 or 124 in no time.
new PR's
3 rope climbs without legs
18 handstand pushups (increase of 5 in 7 days)
pullup to mid rib cage
I was 120 with around 16% body fat...I am now at 116-117 and low 14% body fat. I am upping my calorie intake but am pretty pleased that even though I am lighter I am stronger. I think 4 days without a hearty breakfast really affected my weight. crazy. i'll be back up to 120 or 124 in no time.
new PR's
3 rope climbs without legs
18 handstand pushups (increase of 5 in 7 days)
pullup to mid rib cage
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
5 minutes of HELL
OH how everyone hates burpees...i don't hate them we are frenemies
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
lats, biceps, back, triceps = sore sore sore and i'm hoping to feel better manana. now off to some yoga and then back home to chill with ROBO COP my amiga and watch some TV and veg out!
need to work on knees to elbows which today is the first time i did sets in a workout. I did them once before with Kathy but that was it. i'm going to try and work on these at mi casa <3
here is what i did today :)
need to work on knees to elbows which today is the first time i did sets in a workout. I did them once before with Kathy but that was it. i'm going to try and work on these at mi casa <3
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
oh to get a great massage....
I am a bit obsessed and in a good way. I don't think i've ever felt so much relief. I just feel different and will have to get used to feeling that the right word? I need to learn to relax and meditate. breathe and chill. I am joining my girlfriend for an hour yoga session manana and am so excited!!! I love all the new changes that I am making in my life for a better body and over all well being :)
Now to drink some serious fluids (water) and relax on my comfy bed and read a book. nite nite** Thank you Mr. Awesome, till next time.
Now to drink some serious fluids (water) and relax on my comfy bed and read a book. nite nite** Thank you Mr. Awesome, till next time.
Monday, February 7, 2011
WooHoo! we love to bench :) excited because I feel improvement in strength! I am rep'n out what my max used to be. fun girl time and the boys were grunting and benching like a zillion pounds. Then it was off to "Angie" my favorite...NOT! but kind of on a good day :) Resting manana and gettting my 90 minute massage. I'm soooo excited and ready to relax
Sunday, February 6, 2011
My Paleo Meal...
Lacto-Paleo Veggie Pizza
enjoyed my lacto day for the superbowl
hop over to my Paleo blog and check it out!
Body Scan Time!
I love Paleo and my body is becoming a machine. Still haven't gained but .5lbs but my composition and overall look has changed. 6 month anniversary!!! I've come a long way after I looked back a couple of months :) Good Job ME! lol happy and feeling awesome!
I know the arrows are cheesy but I am excited because I have always have had and always will have smaller calves (not monsters) which I am starting to embrace. Marc and Eric have me on a strength routine which is really working my legs. SORE HAMMIES!!! quads and butt cheeks are fine tho. Okay off to get Paleo Party Superbowl Smash ready for later. I might loose my voice HA!
I know the arrows are cheesy but I am excited because I have always have had and always will have smaller calves (not monsters) which I am starting to embrace. Marc and Eric have me on a strength routine which is really working my legs. SORE HAMMIES!!! quads and butt cheeks are fine tho. Okay off to get Paleo Party Superbowl Smash ready for later. I might loose my voice HA!
Superbowl Sunday Workout
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Strength Day #1
WOoHOo that was a great noon workout people! lovin' my new routine. Strength Days, WOD's and speed. gotta love it! Today was my first official day of strength training. I will focus more on my strength and muscalitas with fewer WOD workouts a week than I was doing. I'm pretty good at the body weight workouts and need to work on strength to become an animal. I did better than I thought I would and I am amp'd. Check out the vids :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
strict press...i'm back!
after all the pain and soreness...i'm back! today we pressed 5 x 5. the first set was at 61#, then I did 3 full sets with 65# and at the end I had to go down to 61# for the last 3 reps. my arms were dead but I back to myself. we figured my max should be around 81-82 just were i left off 2 months ago. woohoo! can't wait to start going up in weight. on another note I haven't lost or gained and am still @ 121-122. but my clothing fits a bit different. just saying :)
I'm telling you that I am in LOVE with my massage therapist. my back feels wonderful and i totally belief that he used angel tears on my skin lol. HAHA! check out the pic
I'm telling you that I am in LOVE with my massage therapist. my back feels wonderful and i totally belief that he used angel tears on my skin lol. HAHA! check out the pic
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Becoming Vegetarian, heatlhiest lifestyle or not?
I just saw an episode of 'Oprah' and she and 368 employees took the vegetarian 7 day challenge. Michael Pollan and Kathy Freston were the experts helping along the way. Kathy is a self proclaimed "Vegetarist" and has sold countless books. Michael Pollan is a pure food expert. AND off they employees went to take the challenge along with Oprah. yes they were cranky, unhappy and hated the foods but also felt better and saw some great results. thumbs up to people feeling better! although this one woman was sneaking in a couple of fast food meals which was sure to happen. Oprah kept mentioning the over use of the office bathrooms and how people were loosing weight...but... many also gained weight.
why would anyone gain weight on a vegetarian diet? Oh the reasons are endless! veggie pizza, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian pasta, vegetarian meat substitutes (filled with crap), vegetarian cookies etc. you have to eat healthy to be healthy and not fill your belly with crapola.
after the episode i was even less impressed by the world of vegetarianism. i don't hate it or hate vegetarians. i respect them but wouldn't change to become one. ever!
so i shouldn't eat meat because its cruel to animals? depends on how you really REALLY think about it. i love fish and its seems that no one really screams about fish. i catch my own fish when i'm with my parents back home and it feels very natural and normal. I know of some vegetarians that think i'm cruel and barbaric. get over yourself. if i was on an island starving and fruit and veggies were not available and i needed complete proteins... should i just starve instead of catch a fish? on the other hand beef and pork is a bit different and i understand that. some slaughter houses are bad and yes--hard to imagine. now most are designed differently thanks to organizations like PETA and other animal friendly orgs. which is great team work on all parts. don't get me wrong i too eat veggies and lots of them but choose to eat organic, farm raised meats.
i think the majority of vegetarians are eating too many substitutes with chemicals, way too many grains, way too much gluten and fillers, and way too many sweets. no good and no me gusta! that my friends is not my cup o' tea. i'll stick to fresh foods! that's right FRESH. no frozen or canned foods. all fresh, natural and oh yeah i can pronounce what i eat (bam!)
what about poor villages around the world, they eat chicken, fish, eggs, pork and beef, is that wrong?! i say "NO!" argue all you want but that is as human as we get. hunt and gather and live.
i want to eat meat so should i buy better meats? i say okay but this is very debatable. while the average american could care less about where their meats come from either because of price or ignorance etc. i pay at least $3-5 more for my grass fed beef, lamb from new zealand and range free chicken. yes it is expensive but worth it in my eyes. i understand where it comes from and i'm ok with it. the semi-vegan expert on the show said "wait miss vegetarianist, the animals have great days and one bad day"...she said something like "i guess, but they suffer in my eyes and i can't look into the eyes of an animal and say your life is less important that my appetite".... okay lady! listen here! first of all your not killing it and if this was hundreds or thousands of years ago you still wouldn't have to kill an animal. the hunters would and you would probably prepare and eat it. the animal would feed a village....the whole cow would not just be for you. i'm totally behind your decisions and it's cool just settle down.
I understand and believe we should all make better food choices as a population. i completely changed my diet 14 months ago. just do what you can and then keep improving your diet. don't go to the extreme of a totally transformation if you can't or don't want to. try introducing "healthy dinner nights" instead of "pizza night". isn't that a start? don't eat out as much. buy fresher ingredients and think before you eat!
why would anyone gain weight on a vegetarian diet? Oh the reasons are endless! veggie pizza, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian pasta, vegetarian meat substitutes (filled with crap), vegetarian cookies etc. you have to eat healthy to be healthy and not fill your belly with crapola.
after the episode i was even less impressed by the world of vegetarianism. i don't hate it or hate vegetarians. i respect them but wouldn't change to become one. ever!
so i shouldn't eat meat because its cruel to animals? depends on how you really REALLY think about it. i love fish and its seems that no one really screams about fish. i catch my own fish when i'm with my parents back home and it feels very natural and normal. I know of some vegetarians that think i'm cruel and barbaric. get over yourself. if i was on an island starving and fruit and veggies were not available and i needed complete proteins... should i just starve instead of catch a fish? on the other hand beef and pork is a bit different and i understand that. some slaughter houses are bad and yes--hard to imagine. now most are designed differently thanks to organizations like PETA and other animal friendly orgs. which is great team work on all parts. don't get me wrong i too eat veggies and lots of them but choose to eat organic, farm raised meats.
i think the majority of vegetarians are eating too many substitutes with chemicals, way too many grains, way too much gluten and fillers, and way too many sweets. no good and no me gusta! that my friends is not my cup o' tea. i'll stick to fresh foods! that's right FRESH. no frozen or canned foods. all fresh, natural and oh yeah i can pronounce what i eat (bam!)
what about poor villages around the world, they eat chicken, fish, eggs, pork and beef, is that wrong?! i say "NO!" argue all you want but that is as human as we get. hunt and gather and live.
i want to eat meat so should i buy better meats? i say okay but this is very debatable. while the average american could care less about where their meats come from either because of price or ignorance etc. i pay at least $3-5 more for my grass fed beef, lamb from new zealand and range free chicken. yes it is expensive but worth it in my eyes. i understand where it comes from and i'm ok with it. the semi-vegan expert on the show said "wait miss vegetarianist, the animals have great days and one bad day"...she said something like "i guess, but they suffer in my eyes and i can't look into the eyes of an animal and say your life is less important that my appetite".... okay lady! listen here! first of all your not killing it and if this was hundreds or thousands of years ago you still wouldn't have to kill an animal. the hunters would and you would probably prepare and eat it. the animal would feed a village....the whole cow would not just be for you. i'm totally behind your decisions and it's cool just settle down.
I understand and believe we should all make better food choices as a population. i completely changed my diet 14 months ago. just do what you can and then keep improving your diet. don't go to the extreme of a totally transformation if you can't or don't want to. try introducing "healthy dinner nights" instead of "pizza night". isn't that a start? don't eat out as much. buy fresher ingredients and think before you eat!
animal protein vs. plant protein
Protein from animal sources (meat, fish, dairy products, egg white) is considered high biological value protein or a "complete" protein because all nine essential amino acids are present in these proteins. An exception to this rule is collagen-derived gelatin which is lacking in tryptophan.
Plant sources of protein (grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds) generally do not contain sufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids. Thus protein synthesis can occur only to the extent that the limiting amino acids are available. These proteins are considered to have intermediate biological value or to be partially complete because, although consumed alone they do not meet the requirements for essential amino acids, they can be combined to provide amounts and proportions of essential amino acids equivalent to high biological proteins from animal sources.
(article via northwestern website)
Plants that are entirely lacking in essential amino acids are considered incomplete proteins or sources of low biological value protein. These sources include most fruits and vegetables. A low biological value means that it is difficult or impossible to compensate for insufficient amounts of essential amino acids by combining different sources as with partially complete proteins.
"Bear Complex"
The Bear Complex WOD Overview
The Bear Complex WOD consists of in following in order for five rounds:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Back Squat
Seven cycles equal one round.
add more weight each round
add more weight each round
Don't put the bar down during rounds!!
after all was said and done I think I should have gone up a bit in weight. I ended up liking this WOD and I think if would have added weight it would have been a struggle to hold on for 7 sets but again...underestimated my ability to push myself one more step, one more pound, one more pound....etc
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Who in the world is Sarah Dunsmore?
I may be an inch and some change taller and weigh 122 but its about the same. Gotta get here eventually. Trying to get these numbers in less than 7 months of training is hard but I'll see where I end up in March. When I hit the 1 year mark I have a good feeling about where I will be :)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
best massage!
wow! this guy Blake gave me the best massage ever!! he is a sports therapist who pin pointed things I wasn't even aware of. When he saw my lower back he said "oh my god!" your back is in a spasm...this didn't just start today either. He got that stubborn thing out and helped my hip flexors tremendously along with my shoulders. he said my quads are stronger than my hams and my back is stronger than my chest and need to even out. my right leg is "forgot the word" but overextends 2" more than my left side. he asked if I had knee problems...HERE! while touching the exact area..I said oh my yes right there. felt like for the first time I got a massage worth the $$. see you in 15 days mister.

I need to strengthen certain areas because other muscles are being overworked due to the lack of strength from other areas which will cause injury or discomfort.
here are the notes:
I need to strengthen certain areas because other muscles are being overworked due to the lack of strength from other areas which will cause injury or discomfort.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday Workout Wonders
still sore from stupid old' fran. resting tomorrow! :)
ohhhhh and check out was good :P
workout for Sat or Sun?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
PR's this month
5 months of CrossFit at CrossFit North County!!! and around 4 months of training with travel, injury and you know the deals etc.
PR's this month:
Fran 6:04 (1st time)
Annie 5:26 (2nd time)
42 double-unders (unbroken)
16 butterfly kipping pull-ups (unbroken)
and hopefully more to come ;)

PR's this month:
Fran 6:04 (1st time)
Annie 5:26 (2nd time)
42 double-unders (unbroken)
16 butterfly kipping pull-ups (unbroken)
and hopefully more to come ;)
Monday, January 24, 2011
thrusters (95#/65#)
First time taking on the infamous Fran. I did a semi-half-fran a couple months ago and it was ugly. I did way better than i thought i would do and yes I almost puked all over. felt great after it was all done :) RX! oh and we did some rope work prior which fried my pistols LOL. So proud of all of us!
We need some new music ASAP! we can't have our guys or girls working out all nutso to Christina Aguilera or Country that is just not fair
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Abs! Thank u paleo n CFNC
1 more week for my body scan update and looking good ;) 5 month anniversary at CFNC! I'm almost at the 6 month milestone woohoo!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
When McDonalds is the only option
I was starving, flight was delayed, I only had 10 min to make my connection...I had to eat!!! Then while I was running I saw the golden arches...aaaaahhhhh (angelic voice) so I ordered a grilled chicken breast, water, and a fruit n walnut salad. Good enough I say! Off to the races I went and now I'm on my flight ready to sleep 5 hours and wake up in beauteous weather and go back to bed. See ya soon ;)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Pittsburgh is freezing!!!
Took so long to get here. Woke up at 4am departed at 6:25am and arrived here in Pittsburg at 5 pm. So tired and miss home already and eating good foods. Boom Boom Boom going to my room to knock out!!
Taco salad lettuce wraps
Cook grass fed ground beef with spices of choosing
Cut sweet peppers or bell peppers
Melt 1 slice of cheese on-top of beef mound
Add homemade salsa on-top
(3 roma tomatoes, 1 jalapeño, 1/2 an onion)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I HATE BURPEES and then you say I have to what....
Today I was out of it! I don't know if it was the 9-5 meeting or just the lack of sleep. I was yawning and dazed but finished the workout as fast as possible.
Strength work was front squats
(getting super flexible wrists and all over flexibility has increased)
25 KB swings - 5 burpee tuck jumps
20 KB swings - 10 burpee tuck jumps
15 KB swings - 15 burpee tuck jumps
10 KB swings - 10 burpee tuck jumps
5 KB swings - 5 burpee tuck jumps
GROSS!!! but glad to do it :)
Donovan front squatting like a man!
Tonya and I have to get used to the choking and weirdness of it all.
Dinner Dinner Chicken Winner
free range chicken legs
organic Ghee butter
4 lemons
dash or parmeson
dash of chili flakes
1/4 cup of grapes
Monday, January 17, 2011
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