-grains and soy aren't edible in their natural form without processing
-grains are largely starch, surrounded by a kernel which decompose into glucose.
- one problem is that the amount of sugar elevates your bloodsugar levels that in turn cause your pancreas to produce lots of insulin to metabolize it. Humans are not meant to eat such huge amounts of concentrated carbs. Over time you will develop insulin resistance, hypoglycemia (had that), diabetes II etc.
-another problemo is that our immune system crashes when bloodsugar levels increase to insanely high levels. It takes HOURS for immune system to fully recover. poor little thing is trying to keep us healthy and well and look at what we do :(
-also...refined grains lack minerals and vitamins, which are needed to properly digest and metabolize the huge amount of starches we eat. every time you eat a slice of bread, your body needs to take minerals and vitamins from its limited stores to digest and metabolise it.
Over time, you will develop deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals which can lead to everything from brittle nails, hair problems, skin etc.
all in all refined or unrefined, grains will cause problems..
blah blah blah...i know it can be boring but its for your own good and believe me you will feel like a new person!!!!
Another problems with grains and soy bean it that they can't be eaten raw, which only allows us to eat them cooked. Cooking essentially damages all foods. The more you eat raw, the better you will feel..
GRAINS ARE VERY HARD TO DIGEST PROPERLY!!!! the intestines need to produce enough enzymes (maltase) to digest the maltose into the elemental glucose molecules. As you see, quite a lot of work.. The problem is that the human body isn't fit for this job and a part of the starch isn't absorbed and descends into the large intestines, feeding critters, causing inflammation, gasses, damage to the wall of the intestines, and other problems.
Compare this to fruit and honey, which are predigested foods. They primarily contain glucose and fructose, which don't need to be digested at all and can be absorbed painlessly by the intestines. Because everything is easily absorbed it can't feed the critters..
crumb breads, rice, pasta, beans and such and that is what is going in your belly...not good huh??
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