1st 500m = 1:57 23s/m
2nd 500m = 2:06 22s/m
3rd 500m = 2:09 21s/m
4th 500m = 2:06 22s/m
5th 500m = 1:56 23s/m
felt like POO but I finished rowing even tho I wanted to quit so bad... I was trying to keep my lunch inside my belly. Each time I finished I would go by the fence and spit and try to breathe and calm down. I had a serious migrane and loss of hearing in my left ear when we finished. This lasted around 20min. Part of it is dehydration, stress and lack of sleep.
This last saturday I rowed a.....
1:59, 2:13, 2:16, 2:16 (averaging a 25s/m) improving!!!!!!
I wonder what my 500m is? I'm hoping to be able to rest and sleep reasonable hours so I can put some fire behind my training. Work is just so overwhelming right now. I hope to workout thursday and saturday/sunday :)
This last saturday I rowed a.....
1:59, 2:13, 2:16, 2:16 (averaging a 25s/m) improving!!!!!!
I wonder what my 500m is? I'm hoping to be able to rest and sleep reasonable hours so I can put some fire behind my training. Work is just so overwhelming right now. I hope to workout thursday and saturday/sunday :)
See, progress!! Glad Marc and I can get your row times in check...haha.