Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cheat Meal is glorious!

PF Changs gluten free menu is fantastic! Back to cooking tomorrow :) I'm gonna to try and make awesome salmon and veggies. I inhaled this so fast and got my glass of water after i finished my meal, either because our waitress sucked or ...... yeah our waitress sucked. anywho i loveeeeee lemon dishes and lemon anything :)


Just a small clip of our workout. Kathy is an animal! Keeping it real :) Finally got to work out with a bigger group and met one new girl Melissa and Kathy I met once briefly. I am happy to be apart of the Crossfit community and being able to meet great people is great!


Static ring holds with Kathy

1:07 on Sunday....1:19 today!! Shazam! Getting better. Today Kathy was showing me how to Kip and I still need to get comfortable with the movement but hopefully I'll catch on soon :) still improving lots! Thanks Marc and Eric! I want a 2 minute hold by first of november and a muscle up by december! i said it, take that down and write it in a book....

Kathy did awesome and I love how she does what ever she can to stay up ;)

Lunch mmmm

Gluten free rosemary chicken meat balls with grilled Brussels sprouts and 1/2 an avacado. Mmmmmm

Monday, August 30, 2010

Crossfit rant

Crossfit isn't for everyone!! If you want to be in the best shape of your life then come on..if you hate working for it then stay home.

Can you run 3 miles, sprint 100 meters, deadlift, stretch your body to be flexible and agile, push press half your weight over and over again, jump on a box continuously when your legs are burning, do pull ups and push ups, throw a 20lb ball at the wall then catch it and squat down and back up to do it again?

Sooooo....here is how my rant started....

2 girls asked why I want to be a body builder and look like a man? Yes!! How did they guess that is exactly my goal...geez! Forget being fit beyond what I thought I could ever achieve.

What do you say to someone who knows no better? First off there is no way! I am not consuming buckets of food, protein and supplements. I lack the amount of testosterone to change my body to look that way. My workout regimen isn't even close to what I would need to do. They said "well I would workout like that but I don't want to lift weights and get big". Open your eyes! I weigh 118 and can lift more than 120lbs. easily. I don't even bother trying to explain. I'm sure they are happy to be on a boring treadmill for 45 minutes then lift 2lbs on each arm to "tone" so I say oh well it's not for everyone. I know a few people who would really love crossfit and hopefully very soon they will try it and crave it


Oh check this out......the last woman on the bottom is super scary

AM I PRETTY? NNNNNNNNOOOOooooooo! you look like a scary man bear pig terminator not human lady. You should donate your ovaries

Chillin out on my rest day

Decided the color foil would be a cool nail polish...don't know if I like yet. Kinda cool! Girlie time is necessary to relax from work, crossfit and craziness. Veins in my feet are fierce lol. Can't even wait to workout mañana!!!!!

Taco Taco

I made a mess with my chop vidalia thingy I found in storage. But HELLO it came out good!

K first.....

Chop up:
1 heirloom tomato
1 jalapeño
1 yellow onion
handful of cilantro
and salt n fresh cracked peppa

2 Blue corn tortillas
2 grilled chicken tenders (shake in quinoa flour)
1 slice of jalapeño muenster cheese
fresh made salsa
squirt hot sauce for extra zing
(I added olive oil since my avocado isn't ripe yet)

Grocery Shopping ;)

Trader Joe's 6 o'clock run for food ends up being $92. Geez but I never really eat out so I'm saving mula. I love Trader Joe's for most things <3

Here is what $92 dollars looks like...

Lunch with temptation

So we had a going away lunch at Sonic and it was like having alcohol around a recovering alcoholic. I still ate my packed lunch and feel great compared to the sleepy co-workers with heavy stomachs...boy did i want the coney dog at the time.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

this is the face of nothing left

Sunday (W.O.D.) workout of the day

after our strength session we did our W.O.D. and it was fast and intense. my arms died. i couldn't even do 2 pushups in a row after the 4th set.

5 thrusters (45lb bar)
10 pushups

5 rounds for time (I got a 4:01 and hope to get a 3:00 by december with 65 lbs-RX)

CHECK OUT HOW WE LOOSE STEAM AND OUR MUSCLES GET TIRED and it starts to get really hard. it was only 4 minutes but it was all out or nothing!

Sunday (personal best benchmarks)

So every 2-3 days or so I do a static ring hold as long as I can and pullups on other days. Today was the static ring hold and I was shocked I did so well after the workout :D

Aug 21 - 00:46

Aug 24 - 01:00

Aug 26 - 01:01

Aug 29 - 01:07

Yes Sir!

I will post my pullup progress soon :) i'm learning how to kip which still feels crazy to me like it's almost too fun

Sunday workout (strength)

I've never done front squats before. Here is my first try. My legs are still dead from the last few workouts. I need to condition my wrists and get used to a bar choking me lol


SNACK! I love feeding my body fruits n veggies <3 eating every 3 hrs is work

1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 1 cup of melon, cashews (buying macadamia nuts today)

iPhone 4 upgrade

So I just went for it. I upgraded my iPhone 3gs to the new iPhone 4 yesterday. So far it is faster, has a better camera, the screen is crisper, its packed with cool new features, TalkTime is cool, and it is sleeker. I had trouble with the wifi. I went to apple.com and found some answers.  I rebooted the router and reset my network settings and it was fixed! my IP was updated and my WiFi bars are now to the max and working. I am rrrrreally liking the new camera :) Its better than my canon that I bought last year. YAY!

Burnt Lunch before workout

Oops so I was transferring files to my external and burned some of my food lol

Food is Food.

my back is obviously on it's own agenda HA

so I've noticed my back feels like two metal pipes down my spine. I definitely feel I am getting a stronger core thanks to (CFNC) crossfit. but getting ready for bed I saw this in the mirror when I was changing shirts. what are these creatures called. back buldges, spinal fences? the trenches? lol ok just wanted to share cuz they look crazy. nite!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

my gym


is my diet good enough?

I posted on the Crossfit forum asking for some advice about my diet. I am going to talk to my trainers and see what I can do.  Seems like I need to up my calorie intake since I feel like I am lacking energy and I have lost 2 lbs and 1/2" on my waist, hips, and butt. I stuffed my face tonight and I feel good.  I am loving brussels sprouts this month and i'll probably move on to something new next month.

IT IS HARD eating gluten free, limited dairy and no eggs. I have to eat pounds of veggies and fruits. I'm eating a good amount of protein and healthy fats. I am good about making my meals so once I can figure how many calories I need I can adjust my daily diet :)

GEEZ! wish I had a personal chef that looked like this guy.....he could fly all over the world to get me what ever I wanted!


my bruises aren't that bad

yesterday my knees and shins were beaten by deadlifts maybe I lift to straight up my legs. I dunno. my bruises are small and not as big as I thought they were going to be.


ooooooOk my lower back is sore from deadlifts. it's been almost 2 years since I've lifted with the bar and geez louise I guess my lower back wasn't getting used over the years. my shoulders are a tad sore too. I'm gonna rest and try to recover.

Friday, August 27, 2010

din din

I was starving by 7:30. made this last night but ate it tonight for dinner.

1 1/2 ground beef lean patties
1/2 cup corn pasta
1 cup of stew tomatoes
1 small onion
dash of salt, peppa, oregano
sprinkled parmesan

Weak SAUCE extra spicy

today was a good workout! strength training and a 12 minute workout....

let's start with the fact I was weak sauce pathetic today. we had to deadlift 5 x 5 and I was excited cuz I love weightlifting. but geez I only lifted around 155lbs. What the?! where did my strength go?! is my body just tired?! guess I have to get my strength back. geeeezzzz! i know its been more than 18-20 months since i deadlifted but sheesh! oh and my shins and knees are red like I tried shaving with a rock lol


Do as many as you can in 12 min: (I completed 11)
5 burpees
10 situps
15 air squats

rest day mañana!!!! recover, rest and a massage sounds good

YouTube Video

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Todays workout was super sweat fest 2010

So today's workout was called "fight gone bad" which is 5 exercises. You do each one for 1 minute and quickly move on to the next exercise. After you finish one round you rest for 1 minute. You do 3 rounds!

The exercises were:
wall balls (8 lbs)
kettle bell sumo squats (44 lbs)
rowing machine
push press(55 lb bar)
box jumps

I was superrrrr sweaty like a monster. My score ended up being a 203 give or take a few. I need to get better at keeping track of my score. I was not completely sure about how many reps I finished at each exercise. boo to me

I did static ring holds again and got a 1:01:31 on my first try and my second try was 0:53. This last Tuesday I held out for 1:00:00. Wonder what my time will be next month :)

Off to bed and I'm going to dream of something nice

Check out my photos. sweat + wedgy shorts = who cares cuz it hurts

This is Heather Keenan Bergeron...

She is super human, an amazing athlete, sponsored by adidas(my love) and what I hope to be one day in crossfit.

She is 5'5---I'm 5'6
She is 33---I turned 30 (new decade)
She weighs around 130---I weigh around 122
She can blast out 40 kipping pull ups---I haven't tried kipping ones yet :-/
She can dead lift 285lbs---I don't know what I can do now but I've maxed at 270 years ago
She runs a 400 meter dash in 1:08---I haven't run one in years (I used to run it in 0:58-1:02)
She runs a 5k in 21:00---Pssffhhffft I have no clue but am guessing since I don't run much it's around 30 minutes

This is why I am documenting my journey to see where I am in a year :D and by sectionals

can't wait to see my 3 month progress report

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

rest day and cheat meal..kinda

rest for my body not my brain. i have to stay up and work until i get this done. boo! so kind of a rest day

i am going to eat sushi for dinner. so yeah kind of a cheat meal in that i don't have to cook. CHEATER! Can't wait to workout manana :D


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

making my meals

pasta salad (1/2 of my lunch)
1/4 cup corn pasta
1 whole roma tomato
1/2 small yellow onion
palm of chopped cilantro
2 teaspoons evoo/rice vinegar
fresh ground pepper

3 pm snack:
1/2 a mango
1 cup cottage cheese

Crossfit <3


it does a body good. our warm up is your workout HA

kettlebells = hell

7 minutes of...
(with a 26lb kettlebell)
7 sumo cleans
7 squats
7 swings

I got 8 sets in. not easy at all

ouch but feels good after. when someone says this workout is short that means pain and prayers.

******* I did max reps of strict pullups after our workout and I got 8 then a second round of 7. not bad! especially after the workout.

till mañana ;D

OOOOoooohhh today I smashed my static ring hold with a 1 min hold. I beat my time of 0:46 seconds from Sunday. held it for 15 seconds more in 2 days. YAY! MOTO! improving :D

my muscles ache

today was a rest day which i am getting used to the 3 days on and 1 day off (rest).....and today this is what was aching...not really sore but just aching


but the fun thing is I can't wait to see what the W.O.D. is for tomorrow. I am crossing my fingers its weights and not legs and cardio. need a rest and i want to thrust 400 lbs over my head lol


exhausted from work and my body needs a good night of rest for manana :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

good eats...

best relish ever...I'm not the only one who digs it cuz it's been out of stock at henrys for 3 weeks on back order. throw this in with tuna yummmmmm

Me and Peter gonna worki it out

hopefully I don't spit or puke on him a little. one of my favorite shirts to wear around or workout in. Peter and the wolf. Thanks Sis! <3

me vs. me

so today I am going to check my progress on handstand pushups and pullups. I was around 7 strict pulls and 12 handstand pushups 2 weeks ago. not bad at all but...let's see :)

here is a video of handstand pushups 2 weeks ago. 12 ain't bad with a soft pillow

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Body Scan (measurements & photos) #1

Time to measure and take photos. I know this seems ridiculous but it helps me see my changes and helps track my progress. SOOooooo here it goes! for everyone to see YIKES! lets see how I look in 7 months. I am taking photos every 2 weeks. I am tired and look exhausted but I just worked out so give me a break. I am no super model but I do have crazy hair :)

Chicken and Brussels


brussels sprouts with evoo, truffle oil, salt n peppa. seasoned chicken with avacado on the side with a glass of water. i never liked brussels when i was a child but for some reason i love them now. cough cough...they smell...cough cough

Saturday field workout

YouTube Video

20 pushups
20 situps
20 squats
200 meter jog
200 meter sprint

X 4

low down

for those who don't know I am training to hopefully compete in the Crossfit sectionals 2011 springtime. I've never pushed my fitness and mental strength as much as I have been in the last 2 weeks. It's a test, a big test which I will do everything to pass. I hope to inspire my friends and family in any way :)

love . health . happiness

Crossfit is getting me FIT

so I haven't been rowing or running very much at all... so when the workout of the day (WOD) was row 2k I was not very excited. the best girls time was exactly 1 minute faster than me. my times was what I thought it would be. 9:39...yuck! atleast I know where Im starting from and will be able to track my progress.

try it! row 2 K and see what your time is :)


chicken breast rubbed in brown rice flour, Cajun spices with 2 cups of kale. simple but yum!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome my peeps!

So it begins! Blogging my life away to track my progress and share exercises, photos, meal plans etc. Exciting!

This is just my first entry so nothing of substance will be posted since it's bedtime. see you manana :)