I may be an inch and some change taller and weigh 122 but its about the same. Gotta get here eventually. Trying to get these numbers in less than 7 months of training is hard but I'll see where I end up in March. When I hit the 1 year mark I have a good feeling about where I will be :)
Crossfit + 30 yrs old + Clean Diet + Determination + Motivation + Fun Times
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
best massage!
wow! this guy Blake gave me the best massage ever!! he is a sports therapist who pin pointed things I wasn't even aware of. When he saw my lower back he said "oh my god!" your back is in a spasm...this didn't just start today either. He got that stubborn thing out and helped my hip flexors tremendously along with my shoulders. he said my quads are stronger than my hams and my back is stronger than my chest and need to even out. my right leg is "forgot the word" but overextends 2" more than my left side. he asked if I had knee problems...HERE! while touching the exact area..I said oh my yes right there. felt like for the first time I got a massage worth the $$. see you in 15 days mister.

I need to strengthen certain areas because other muscles are being overworked due to the lack of strength from other areas which will cause injury or discomfort.
here are the notes:
I need to strengthen certain areas because other muscles are being overworked due to the lack of strength from other areas which will cause injury or discomfort.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday Workout Wonders
still sore from stupid old' fran. resting tomorrow! :)
ohhhhh and check out dinner...it was good :P
workout for Sat or Sun?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
PR's this month
5 months of CrossFit at CrossFit North County!!! and around 4 months of training with travel, injury and you know the deals etc.
PR's this month:
Fran 6:04 (1st time)
Annie 5:26 (2nd time)
42 double-unders (unbroken)
16 butterfly kipping pull-ups (unbroken)
and hopefully more to come ;)

PR's this month:
Fran 6:04 (1st time)
Annie 5:26 (2nd time)
42 double-unders (unbroken)
16 butterfly kipping pull-ups (unbroken)
and hopefully more to come ;)
Monday, January 24, 2011
thrusters (95#/65#)
First time taking on the infamous Fran. I did a semi-half-fran a couple months ago and it was ugly. I did way better than i thought i would do and yes I almost puked all over. felt great after it was all done :) RX! oh and we did some rope work prior which fried my pistols LOL. So proud of all of us!
We need some new music ASAP! we can't have our guys or girls working out all nutso to Christina Aguilera or Country that is just not fair
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Abs! Thank u paleo n CFNC
1 more week for my body scan update and looking good ;) 5 month anniversary at CFNC! I'm almost at the 6 month milestone woohoo!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
When McDonalds is the only option
I was starving, flight was delayed, I only had 10 min to make my connection...I had to eat!!! Then while I was running I saw the golden arches...aaaaahhhhh (angelic voice) so I ordered a grilled chicken breast, water, and a fruit n walnut salad. Good enough I say! Off to the races I went and now I'm on my flight ready to sleep 5 hours and wake up in beauteous weather and go back to bed. See ya soon ;)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Pittsburgh is freezing!!!
Took so long to get here. Woke up at 4am departed at 6:25am and arrived here in Pittsburg at 5 pm. So tired and miss home already and eating good foods. Boom Boom Boom going to my room to knock out!!
Taco salad lettuce wraps
Cook grass fed ground beef with spices of choosing
Cut sweet peppers or bell peppers
Melt 1 slice of cheese on-top of beef mound
Add homemade salsa on-top
(3 roma tomatoes, 1 jalapeño, 1/2 an onion)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I HATE BURPEES and then you say I have to what....
Today I was out of it! I don't know if it was the 9-5 meeting or just the lack of sleep. I was yawning and dazed but finished the workout as fast as possible.
Strength work was front squats
(getting super flexible wrists and all over flexibility has increased)
25 KB swings - 5 burpee tuck jumps
20 KB swings - 10 burpee tuck jumps
15 KB swings - 15 burpee tuck jumps
10 KB swings - 10 burpee tuck jumps
5 KB swings - 5 burpee tuck jumps
GROSS!!! but glad to do it :)
Donovan front squatting like a man!
Tonya and I have to get used to the choking and weirdness of it all.
Dinner Dinner Chicken Winner
free range chicken legs
organic Ghee butter
4 lemons
dash or parmeson
dash of chili flakes
1/4 cup of grapes
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Rowing and Pushups galore
I'm finally back to some sort of rowing/running after taking around 3 months off due to asthma and bronchitis problems. I felt ok to finally start back up and did pretty well for such a long break. overall average for the 250m row was 1:03 with a 21 s/m. It felt good but at the same time I could not stop spitting and wiping my nose. oh well at least I finished the workout. So glad to get back to rowing and running!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fat vs. Muscle
Yes it is gross! and yucky to look at. Here is 5 lbs of fat vs. 5 lb of muscle. Same weight but the actual amount looks very different.

VIA @ Wikipedia
(In physical fitness, body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. Because muscular tissue takes up less space in our body than fat tissue, our body composition, as well as our weight, determines leanness. Two people at the same height and same body weight may look completely different from each other because they have a different body composition.)
Tomorrow we are going to get a body fat analysis. The interesting thing about our bodies is everyone has a different composition.
Here are some descriptions I use to describe body types:
Super Skinny
Skinny Fat
Thin Muscular (think I'm here)
Thin Fat
Average Fat
Average Muscular
Athletic Muscular
Big Fat
Big Muscular
Everyone guesses I'm around 100-110 max. I weigh 123 and no one believes me until I weigh myself. Little fat goes a long way. I'm glad I weigh that much or I'd be 100 with more fat to fit in the same jeans. I remember this girlfriend in college that wore the same size as i did. She said " I would rather weigh less than you and wear the same size"...ok...that's fine we will just have different body comps and I'll be the lean muscular and you'll be the thin fat. I'll burn more calories sitting than you will moving around... but can we still share clothes lol
VIA @ Wikipedia
(In physical fitness, body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. Because muscular tissue takes up less space in our body than fat tissue, our body composition, as well as our weight, determines leanness. Two people at the same height and same body weight may look completely different from each other because they have a different body composition.)
Tomorrow we are going to get a body fat analysis. The interesting thing about our bodies is everyone has a different composition.
Here are some descriptions I use to describe body types:
Super Skinny
Skinny Fat
Thin Muscular (think I'm here)
Thin Fat
Average Fat
Average Muscular
Athletic Muscular
Big Fat
Big Muscular
Everyone guesses I'm around 100-110 max. I weigh 123 and no one believes me until I weigh myself. Little fat goes a long way. I'm glad I weigh that much or I'd be 100 with more fat to fit in the same jeans. I remember this girlfriend in college that wore the same size as i did. She said " I would rather weigh less than you and wear the same size"...ok...that's fine we will just have different body comps and I'll be the lean muscular and you'll be the thin fat. I'll burn more calories sitting than you will moving around... but can we still share clothes lol
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Caldo de pollo (Mexican Chicken Soup)
8 cups of water
4 chicken drumsticks
5 squash (Mexican squash if you can find some)
8 carrots chopped in 3" pieces
1/2 a cabbage cut into small wedges
Squeeze of lime
Dash of cumin
Dash of sea salt
Dash of pepper
1 glove of crushed garlic
(add tomato sauce, cilantro or sweet potato for extra yum)
Boil on med for 45 min and tada! So yummy! Taste and if more flavor is needed by all means add a pinch more salt ;)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
tiger, lions and vibrations oh my
after watching this I'm changing my ways. I'm droppping out of CrossFit and buying this. I can watch TV all day. SIKE! no way! shake shake shake yawn
Monday, January 10, 2011
CrossFit Total Footage
available in HD
I didn't get the score I wanted but that was already expected. STUPID RIB CAGE!!! Hurry up and heal you piece of rib meat!
SOoooo I squatted 165 which is 12 lbs heavier than before Christmas break (PR) darn almost had 178 within inches. NEXT TIME! I dead-lifted the same at 165...ugh I know I can do more. I had the 178 in my reach and then kaboom-->>. As for the press I got 66 up then that was all I could do. My ribs are still hurting me :( they really bothered me during the press and it was uncomfortable when I was dead-lifting. It was a fun day and my butt checks almost tore after all the squats and dead-lifts!
EVERYONE DID AWESOME!! high five all around*
Cheers to the start of a good year =o) Excited to start my strength routine this week!! woohooo super strong woman hear me roar in a couple of weeks lol
in approx. 8 days it will be 5 months of CrossFit.
3 1/2 months ago I was:
squatting 135
dead-lifting 140
pressing 60
(video of my strict press PR at 82#)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
CrossFit Total today :)
My first CF total. It's the total score of the combined total weight of a max rep of a squat, dead-lift and press. This should be fun and interesting. I'm guessing in 6 months I'll laugh at my score that I get today. Ok off to get dressed and ready to throw some weights around. Toodles!!!!

Oh and yesterday I got a 153 on my 500m row. 2 seconds down :) So strange because I haven't rowed in almost 3 months because of my asthma. I did have some wheezing and coughing after with iron taste again. So annoying!!!! But good job!!!
Oh and yesterday I got a 153 on my 500m row. 2 seconds down :) So strange because I haven't rowed in almost 3 months because of my asthma. I did have some wheezing and coughing after with iron taste again. So annoying!!!! But good job!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Paleo = Preparation!
Paleo makes me feel good. The last week or so I had little energy and my stomach hurt off and on. NOW I am back to Lacto-Paleo which I really love. (only goat cheese every blue moon) I use coconut milk instead of milk MILK :) Real Foods and Real Flavor! Preparation takes some time though...I have to cut, slice, dice, spice, rinse, chop, peel, pack, store, and save....The time and effort is totally worth it in so many ways. Instead of watching television, lounging, spending tons of mula and eating processed junk I am packing my sweet potato coins, cantaloupe w/walnuts :) oh joy!!!!

Grilling my lunch!!
2 Pork chops
Coconut oil (da best!)
Almond meal and spices
(expensive but wow the health benefits are riDONKulous and it tastes great!)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
water....is it that important?
Why you should be drinking water everyday!
Why You Should Not Drink Soda
Before you drink another cola or soda, read this article, it may save your life!
Scientist have found that healthy people have body pH that are slightly alkaline, 7.1 to 7.5 pH. Seven on a pH scale is neutral. Any level below 7 is acidic, and any level above 7 is alkaline. Keep in mind that a drop in every point on the pH scale is 10 times more acid (i.e. from 7 to 6 is ten times, from 7 to 5 is 100 times etc.) From 7 - 2 is 100,000 times more acidic! Soda is in the acidic range of 2 pH.
Did you know that when our body pH is acidic, it promotes illness and poor health? Acidic pH level in human body fluids are prime environment for bacteria, virus, other undesirable menace and even cancer cells to grow.
While almost everything we do ,including our life style and our diets contributes to our body acidity, the long term effects of soda are devastating to our body. In fact it take 32 glasses ofalkaline water at a pH of 9 to neutralize acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda. When you drink sodas, the body will use its own stored alkaline buffers which are mainly calcium from the bones and DNA to raise the body's alkalinity levels, especially to maintain proper blood alkaline pH levels. Acidic blood levels can cause death!
Scientists and doctors have found tht over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, gall and kidney stones,osteoporosis, hypertension, memory loss and many more. All diseases thrive in an acidic, oxygen poor environment.
Acidity, sugars and artificial sweetners can shorten life. Acidosis, lack of nutrients (minerals and vitamins), poor diets and improper digestion contributes to most degenerative diseases. Doctors have found degenerative diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis...etc., in younger age group than before.
So what can we do about it? Start with healthy habits! Develop a healthy habit of drinking water instead of soda, exercise and eat a healthy diet. Stay away from soda! It may not kill you today or even years from now, but when it is compounded it can kill you.
I have found Xooma's Xtreme X2O transform your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which in turn assists the body in developing and maintaining a proper pH balance.An acidic body pH enviroment invites illness and poor health. However an alkaline body pH environment promotes health by eliminating toxins, bad bacteria and helping with the assimilation of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
Scientist have found that healthy people have body pH that are slightly alkaline, 7.1 to 7.5 pH. Seven on a pH scale is neutral. Any level below 7 is acidic, and any level above 7 is alkaline. Keep in mind that a drop in every point on the pH scale is 10 times more acid (i.e. from 7 to 6 is ten times, from 7 to 5 is 100 times etc.) From 7 - 2 is 100,000 times more acidic! Soda is in the acidic range of 2 pH.
Did you know that when our body pH is acidic, it promotes illness and poor health? Acidic pH level in human body fluids are prime environment for bacteria, virus, other undesirable menace and even cancer cells to grow.
While almost everything we do ,including our life style and our diets contributes to our body acidity, the long term effects of soda are devastating to our body. In fact it take 32 glasses ofalkaline water at a pH of 9 to neutralize acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda. When you drink sodas, the body will use its own stored alkaline buffers which are mainly calcium from the bones and DNA to raise the body's alkalinity levels, especially to maintain proper blood alkaline pH levels. Acidic blood levels can cause death!
Scientists and doctors have found tht over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, gall and kidney stones,osteoporosis, hypertension, memory loss and many more. All diseases thrive in an acidic, oxygen poor environment.
Acidity, sugars and artificial sweetners can shorten life. Acidosis, lack of nutrients (minerals and vitamins), poor diets and improper digestion contributes to most degenerative diseases. Doctors have found degenerative diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis...etc., in younger age group than before.
So what can we do about it? Start with healthy habits! Develop a healthy habit of drinking water instead of soda, exercise and eat a healthy diet. Stay away from soda! It may not kill you today or even years from now, but when it is compounded it can kill you.
I have found Xooma's Xtreme X2O transform your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which in turn assists the body in developing and maintaining a proper pH balance.An acidic body pH enviroment invites illness and poor health. However an alkaline body pH environment promotes health by eliminating toxins, bad bacteria and helping with the assimilation of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
via ( http://www.squidoo.com/sodakills )
ready to start and get back to it!
Paleo = check!
CrossFit = check!
Sleep = check!
Massage appointments = check!
Yoga = need to find a place...
Paleo = check!
CrossFit = check!
Sleep = check!
Massage appointments = check!
Yoga = need to find a place...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
go all out then go home :)
awe so my 2 week vacation is over and i'm on my way back home tomorrow. had a girls night out :) good food, fun times and laughs to go around. It was a fun night with my childhood friends and cousins :) i need to get my lungs checked now. I think after my asthma and bronchitis my lungs haven't recovered to 100%. I laughed so hard that I actually tasted blood again and sounded like some weird night animal in a bush.
we are hardly serious and when we try to pose in a serious way its super hard! gotta crack a smile when your cousins face is in your armpit because your trying to be weird sexy lol
photo below:
my childhood girlfriends. we have known each other since we were fetuses! <3
we look the same!
(eat one last bad meal before heading back to Cali and get grossed out)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Resolutions for 2011
I have 5 resolutions...I know! I will make this year great...30's here I come :)
1. live for me <3 (travel, love, laugh)
2. become fluent in Spanish, okay in Japanese
3. hit some major PR's
4. volunteer (become a big sister, help an animal shelter, donate time to a big cause)
5. audition with my sister (we always talked about it when we were small)
For those who are thinking of a 'FAD' diet or quick results.....
That is great that you are taking a step to loose weight but beware, not all diets are good for you and your confidence. If you don't mind the 'roller coaster ride' then by all means go right ahead and ride that up~and~down craziness. Most people that I know who are dieting (as the general public says) usually gain it all back within a few weeks.
Crash diets don't mean to last more than 3-7 days and you will gain it back. If you want permanent results that positively affect your way of life, health and balance then you need to rethink and react. It will be difficult and hard but you will need to change your way of thinking. You shouldn't 'diet', you should have a healthy diet. Eat fresh, nutritious food that your body and brain needs. You will feel a difference and crave that feeling throughout the rest of your life.
I grew up a McDonalds kid. Drinking soda and eating greasy food at school, then eating somewhat okay at home. 2 years ago I was eating everything and anything I wanted because I was so called skinny. When the doctor said my cholesterol was high and I had chronic sinusitis I said "nope, not going down that path" and changed it that day. I researched as much as I could about healthy eating, gluten free, and Paleo. Now I eat entire sweet potatoes and drink entire cans of coconut milk instead of munching down whole bags of doritos and scarfing down big macs. Cholestoral is down and I haven't had a sinus infection in 12 months (before it was almost every 3 months) Stupid doctors said nothing about changing my diet, instead they said I would need meds for a long looong time. WRONG you jerks!! How about eat healthy and your body will be healthy and heal.
Exercise + Eat Healthy = Energized You!
1. live for me <3 (travel, love, laugh)
2. become fluent in Spanish, okay in Japanese
3. hit some major PR's
4. volunteer (become a big sister, help an animal shelter, donate time to a big cause)
5. audition with my sister (we always talked about it when we were small)
For those who are thinking of a 'FAD' diet or quick results.....
That is great that you are taking a step to loose weight but beware, not all diets are good for you and your confidence. If you don't mind the 'roller coaster ride' then by all means go right ahead and ride that up~and~down craziness. Most people that I know who are dieting (as the general public says) usually gain it all back within a few weeks.
Crash diets don't mean to last more than 3-7 days and you will gain it back. If you want permanent results that positively affect your way of life, health and balance then you need to rethink and react. It will be difficult and hard but you will need to change your way of thinking. You shouldn't 'diet', you should have a healthy diet. Eat fresh, nutritious food that your body and brain needs. You will feel a difference and crave that feeling throughout the rest of your life.
I grew up a McDonalds kid. Drinking soda and eating greasy food at school, then eating somewhat okay at home. 2 years ago I was eating everything and anything I wanted because I was so called skinny. When the doctor said my cholesterol was high and I had chronic sinusitis I said "nope, not going down that path" and changed it that day. I researched as much as I could about healthy eating, gluten free, and Paleo. Now I eat entire sweet potatoes and drink entire cans of coconut milk instead of munching down whole bags of doritos and scarfing down big macs. Cholestoral is down and I haven't had a sinus infection in 12 months (before it was almost every 3 months) Stupid doctors said nothing about changing my diet, instead they said I would need meds for a long looong time. WRONG you jerks!! How about eat healthy and your body will be healthy and heal.
Exercise + Eat Healthy = Energized You!
1/1/11 fresh start
body scan 4:
going on month 5 and starting the year off with some rest and recovery. going to do some yoga and stretching later today. can't wait to say 1 year! almost half way there :)
height: 5'6
weight: 120
chest: 35"
waist: 24 3/4"
hips: 37"
bicep: 10 1/2"
thigh: 21 1/4"
calve: 13"
going on month 5 and starting the year off with some rest and recovery. going to do some yoga and stretching later today. can't wait to say 1 year! almost half way there :)
height: 5'6
weight: 120
chest: 35"
waist: 24 3/4"
hips: 37"
bicep: 10 1/2"
thigh: 21 1/4"
calve: 13"
(even with a little bloating I feel alright. I leaned out a bit...ugh so hard to keep weight on)
stronger even though I'm leaner :)
ready for strength training to start when I get back to the routine next week!!!
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