Crossfit + 30 yrs old + Clean Diet + Determination + Motivation + Fun Times
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
death to my grip
Todays workout tested the limits of my forearms and grip. Oooh Emmmm GEEEee!
5 rounds for time without breaking grip (couldn't do all 5 rounds unbroken)
60lbs of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang-clean
6 Push jerk
Sounds easy huh...? Wrong!
I do feel as I got more tired my form actually got better and more powerful. I got a glimpse of my potentially perfect oly lifts if I keep working at it. I had a couple beautiful cleans and some pretty awesome push jerks :) my ponytail was actually bouncing up and down!
ITS BEEN A WHILE!!! so here is an after workout body pic. i think my measurements are different from last month...YUP just a tad 35-24.5-37 (got a bit leaner from not working out...i know, i know its supposed to be the other way around)
5 rounds for time without breaking grip (couldn't do all 5 rounds unbroken)
60lbs of:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang-clean
6 Push jerk
Sounds easy huh...? Wrong!
I do feel as I got more tired my form actually got better and more powerful. I got a glimpse of my potentially perfect oly lifts if I keep working at it. I had a couple beautiful cleans and some pretty awesome push jerks :) my ponytail was actually bouncing up and down!
ITS BEEN A WHILE!!! so here is an after workout body pic. i think my measurements are different from last month...YUP just a tad 35-24.5-37 (got a bit leaner from not working out...i know, i know its supposed to be the other way around)
no flex Cross-eyed mess lol
Double mint gum arms
Eric, me and daddy. Looking at this pic your probably thinking we all broke our arms. Well we did! It was crazy! J.K...we are 'double jointed'/"hyper-mobility" (which is not necessarily a good thing-google it or click link to read more information which is interesting!)
Some people say "gross!!!!"
Some people say "weird"
I say "I'm made this way for a reason, to grab my keys when I drop them in weird places"
Some people say "gross!!!!"
Some people say "weird"
I say "I'm made this way for a reason, to grab my keys when I drop them in weird places"
today i will spend a bit but not more than i can afford :)
wish list:
today i will spend a bit but not more than i can afford :)
wish list:
-adi shoes, running pants, jacket
-special gifts :)
Sunday workout
Back to working out and happy! I need to start running more. I signed up for a company relay race in April. 3 miles 2 times in 48 hours with 11 team mates. Fun and scary! Although I am still recovering from jetlag and cleaning up my diet I feel so good now. I did have to scale the workout after having some acute asthma problems. I think its part weather, part diet, part who knows. Excited that i got 3 PR's today! motivated and ready to amp up my workout schedule after my refreshing break. with weeks off I shoulder and hip flexor feel tremendously better...soooooo lets do this!
I DO MISS SWIMMING THO!!! maybe i'll work that in 1-2 times a week for sanity and to feed my love of water and swimming in it :)
I DO MISS SWIMMING THO!!! maybe i'll work that in 1-2 times a week for sanity and to feed my love of water and swimming in it :)
group workout
post workout strength check
Paleo vs. Yuck
Back to Paleo and I'm sticking to it! (atleast 95% of the time) after approx. 2 months of acne free, gas free, headache free, mood free, joint pain free, sinus infection free, asthma free, and bloat free awesomeness it came to a brief end as I traveled through Asia. I broke out with pimples, had headaches, stomach problems and joint pain within a couple of days. It was so hard to eat on my schedule and the foods I love to eat. Thanksgiving came along and I decided, I chose to cheat cheat as Paleo cheat and Gluten cheat. WRONG! believe me it tasted great and yes a bit salty and sweet to me but so good. I immediately felt yucky ducky!
I am back on my Paleo diet and feeling way way better. no headaches, stomach issues, skin issues, joint pain etc. My skin completely cleared up in 3 days. Thats also what pisses me off. So many years of taking acne meds when it was just a change of diet. The so called 8 Dermatologists that i've seen over the years never asked me about my diet. Way to go! ruin my liver and have me pay lots of money for meds. boo to you! yay to my health boo for you so called skin docs.
8 months ago I removed gluten products and processed foods from my diet...3 months ago I went paleo for 2 months. Changing the way I eat is not hard. dealing with all my health issues was hard!
I grew up on the border of texas and mexico where food is delicious and not "healthy". I loved McDonalds, fast food, chips n dip, sweets, highly processed foods, frozen meals, pizza, burgers, tacos, greasy deep fried foods, sodas growing up and as a young adult. I would run and workout then stop by taco bell. Yup that was the reality of not having the knowledge that I am fortunate to have now. Even with the knowledge you must choose to change for the good of your mind, body, soul. Well-being and well balanced is very important. If only we were taught this at an early age. Health class should be a health class. If i would have learned about cholesterol, blood pressure, foods and what it does to my would have been in my mind and i would have probably started to think about it as a teenager. I feel like these big companies just want to keep us sick, make $$, and not really care. look at our youth! traveling around the world has opened my eyes and made me sick to my stomach about what we do to our people in the U.S. Why do they market these bleh foods as if it was good for us!!?? $$$$$ sure its cheaper, quicker and yum (some of it) but at what cost. I actually save mula buying fresh foods and cooking.
Feeding peoples cravings with burger ads and greasy fries....ugh! must change and save the youth!!!!
I am back on my Paleo diet and feeling way way better. no headaches, stomach issues, skin issues, joint pain etc. My skin completely cleared up in 3 days. Thats also what pisses me off. So many years of taking acne meds when it was just a change of diet. The so called 8 Dermatologists that i've seen over the years never asked me about my diet. Way to go! ruin my liver and have me pay lots of money for meds. boo to you! yay to my health boo for you so called skin docs.
8 months ago I removed gluten products and processed foods from my diet...3 months ago I went paleo for 2 months. Changing the way I eat is not hard. dealing with all my health issues was hard!
I grew up on the border of texas and mexico where food is delicious and not "healthy". I loved McDonalds, fast food, chips n dip, sweets, highly processed foods, frozen meals, pizza, burgers, tacos, greasy deep fried foods, sodas growing up and as a young adult. I would run and workout then stop by taco bell. Yup that was the reality of not having the knowledge that I am fortunate to have now. Even with the knowledge you must choose to change for the good of your mind, body, soul. Well-being and well balanced is very important. If only we were taught this at an early age. Health class should be a health class. If i would have learned about cholesterol, blood pressure, foods and what it does to my would have been in my mind and i would have probably started to think about it as a teenager. I feel like these big companies just want to keep us sick, make $$, and not really care. look at our youth! traveling around the world has opened my eyes and made me sick to my stomach about what we do to our people in the U.S. Why do they market these bleh foods as if it was good for us!!?? $$$$$ sure its cheaper, quicker and yum (some of it) but at what cost. I actually save mula buying fresh foods and cooking.
Feeding peoples cravings with burger ads and greasy fries....ugh! must change and save the youth!!!!
this is how I felt over Thanksgiving and before changing my eating habits 8 months ago
This is how I feel with Paleo
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Hair is getting out of control!!
Gotta find some good product! Ugh! So hard to fix boo!! Both great grandmas were redheads as you can tell. My hair always turns super reddish in the summertime :) I need to find some great product that helps with the frizz and mess!

Circadian Rhythm
My rhythm is so off! I can't seem to get on track. Today I fell better though. Napped from 3-7pm yesterday then slept from 3-6:30 am. HORRIBLE!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful Thanksgiving
Today was a cheat CHEAT meal. My mom can cook, my sister can cook, my dad can make a turkey I tell you what!! How can I resist? I couldn't! They came from Texas and I enjoyed every bit of everything!!!

I made this awesome gluten free sweet potato pie. So yummyyyyyy ;)

I made this awesome gluten free sweet potato pie. So yummyyyyyy ;)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Feels good to hold a KB
My camera stopped recording after 25 seconds ;( have to dump video from my trip. Oops!! It sure does feel good to hold a kettle bell tho!

Sweet potato vs Yam Truth
So many people use sweet potato in their Paleo diet. Why are they called yams if they are orange? Confuse the public why dont you!!!! Its strange because if you look in the canned food isle you'll see canned yams which should be called canned sweet potatoes. Not many people eat yams because they have thick scaly skin and are hard to peel.
The confusion started several decades ago when orange flesh sweet potatoes were introduced into the southern United States, producers and shippers desired to distinguish them from the more traditional white flesh types. The African word "nyami" referring to the starchy, edible root of the Dioscorea genus of plants was adopted in its English form, "yam".
Nutritional facts vary and will make you change the way you cook with sweet potatoes and yams.
Here is an example, both are sweet potatoes.

This is a yam. Weird scaly and hairy.

The confusion started several decades ago when orange flesh sweet potatoes were introduced into the southern United States, producers and shippers desired to distinguish them from the more traditional white flesh types. The African word "nyami" referring to the starchy, edible root of the Dioscorea genus of plants was adopted in its English form, "yam".
Nutritional facts vary and will make you change the way you cook with sweet potatoes and yams.
Here is an example, both are sweet potatoes.
This is a yam. Weird scaly and hairy.
Back to Basics
Pork chop with almond meal, olive oil, spices and sweet potato (yam as some people say) slices.

It's so good to be back on some sort of normal eating habits. I feel better already. It was soooo difficult to eat fruits and veggies in Asia. Veggies were usually stir fried or it had soy sauce. The food was good but at the same time I would have rather had choices :-/ SO it's time to go back to basics!!
Today was my first CrossFit workout in 2 weeks. Did much better than I thought.
4 rounds
33 double unders/100 singles
25 pushups
25 Kb swings
Blasted through the first round. Did good on the second then my shoulders decided to get tired and super swollen lol finish in 18:00 and was pleased. So happy to be back!!! Now to step up training and get on track. Oh mamasita!!!!!
It's so good to be back on some sort of normal eating habits. I feel better already. It was soooo difficult to eat fruits and veggies in Asia. Veggies were usually stir fried or it had soy sauce. The food was good but at the same time I would have rather had choices :-/ SO it's time to go back to basics!!
Today was my first CrossFit workout in 2 weeks. Did much better than I thought.
4 rounds
33 double unders/100 singles
25 pushups
25 Kb swings
Blasted through the first round. Did good on the second then my shoulders decided to get tired and super swollen lol finish in 18:00 and was pleased. So happy to be back!!! Now to step up training and get on track. Oh mamasita!!!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Let's do this!
Jetlag is not my friend! It isn't so bad but it's not good. I'll see how I feel today. Going to try and jump back to CrossFit. Let's see how this goes....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
bummed and ready to get back
working out in Asia isn't as easy as I initially thought. My body doesn't know what time zone its in and I feel tired and yucky from the food and lack of sleep AND I forgot that in Japan you have to practically pay in gold to use any gym, even in your own hotel. Even though I have been walking miles a day and going up and down stairs it sucks! I have been doing pushups, squats and situps everyday but I miss doing pullups, weights etc. there isn't even a good place to run. I can't wait to get back and start working out. I feel like i've lost a bit of strength of course and flexibility. It will come back I just have to be patient and jump back into it pronto. I am going to do double unders outside somewhere today. I did 20 handstand pushups last night and my wrists were going to give out. no biggie but i did pretty good. ugh! oh and I am so ready to cook my own meals!!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
food pics from Asia
although i don't care to eat anymore asian food i don't mind looking at the photos of it. Tonight I need to eat italian or something else!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
this trip is crazy. i don't know what time zone my body is in. I have been eating pretty good on and off. airplane food is starting to really gross me out!!! I couldn't get onto any sites from my location in Beijing so here i am trying to update my little blog. I have been working out every other day. I am doing pretty good considering the circumstances. I did my minute challenge and did 48 pushups, 58 squats, and 52 situps. not bad not bad at all! I did 9 handstand pushups before feeling like i was going to puke on my self then tried it again after i rested. I tested my 500 meter row and surprised myself with a PR of 1:54. I haven't been able to do much cardio or heavy weights so i am doing what i can. I walked up and down THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! that was a freaking workout for my legs, breathing, glutes etc. really really cool! I have many many stories that will be posted later (just to good!)
here are some pics and video with much much more to come!!!!!
here are some pics and video with much much more to come!!!!!
(trying to eat more fruits here in China since the food is heavy)
thought i would loose all my hard work to typical Asian food and a lighter workout regimen but its been a surprise. The food here is cleaner and not processed :)
just a small clip of some of the workout
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Working on my pullups. Did around 25 before video. I sweat so much when I do pullups. Other times my hands are so dry. Tomorrow I will try "Barbara". Today was weird...I was trying to do 75 Squats
25 Handstand push-ups
25 pull-ups for time. I don't know if it's jetlag but I didn't set the timer correctly and I had no where to do handstand pushups. This chic that was lifting weights near me was singing the entire footloose soundtrack and it was annoying!!! Oh and tonight I got an awesome Classic Thai massage and feel like I'm ready for cirque de soleil Anywho I'm off to bed ;)
25 Handstand push-ups
25 pull-ups for time. I don't know if it's jetlag but I didn't set the timer correctly and I had no where to do handstand pushups. This chic that was lifting weights near me was singing the entire footloose soundtrack and it was annoying!!! Oh and tonight I got an awesome Classic Thai massage and feel like I'm ready for cirque de soleil Anywho I'm off to bed ;)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
trying to eat Paleo or even somewhat fresh fruits and veggies is so difficult when your in a different county. So far I have failed twice and paid for it. headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, stuffy nose and yuckiness. Now that i am in Thailand it is going to be a bit easier. lets see how today goes. going to take many photos :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday WOD fun
Todays team workouts were fun! there were 9 of us so we had 3 teams of 3. here is how it went...
6 min at each station.
1 team member is doing reps at station
1 team member is resting
1 team member runs 200m
(rotation in that order) as soon as the runner get back he/she relieves the member doing reps who then goes to rest, the rester goes on the 200 run and so on..... you keep track of the reps that are completed as a team. you tell the next person up the number you ended with and they continue the reps from there.
confusing?? maybe. fun yes!
6 min at each station.
1 team member is doing reps at station
1 team member is resting
1 team member runs 200m
(rotation in that order) as soon as the runner get back he/she relieves the member doing reps who then goes to rest, the rester goes on the 200 run and so on..... you keep track of the reps that are completed as a team. you tell the next person up the number you ended with and they continue the reps from there.
confusing?? maybe. fun yes!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Yesterday I was hurting. I didn't eat very good at all. This is the first time I strayed from paleo in 35 days and gluten free in 5 months... and I paid for it!! Rowing hurt! I cramped after our 2 x 500's and felt so fatigued. I couldn't lift very much weight. I was exhausted and WEAK. I was dehydrated and not eating the way I wanted the last 2 days. I can say it's because I am so busy and that still doesn't make me feel better. Think I need to keep foods in a fridge at work. I felt so bad that I got grossed out and went to henrys to get fresh fruits and veggies in my system. I feel hydrated today ;) but.... I am tired, stuffy, and have a headache. I believe I am ultra sensitive now which will keep me on track to making healthy choices for my well being and not just for results and to "be healthy"
I'm making some broccoli soup which I am craving!!!

I'm making some broccoli soup which I am craving!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
2 bananas, 1 tbs of almond butter, 1 tbs of cinnamon, handful of walnuts.
I really wanted bananas sooo bad!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So last night i was craving meatloaf and decided to whip one together!
1.5 lbs grass fed beef
3 omega enriched eggs
1 tbs. of garlic
1 tbs. grated horse radish
2 tbs. tamari
1/2 of a large sweet onion
2 small local organic red bell peppers
big pinch of fresh italian parsley
1 cup of almond meal
dash of fresh pepper
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